Funny Truth or Dare Questions (200+ Questions)


41). Play the role of and waiter/ waitress for half an hour, take orders from your friends and bring their food and also come and check on them if they need anything
more or are satisfied with the services or not.

42). You will have to have snacks from the small plate kept on the table without using hands; you have to finish the whole plate.

43). Pretend to be a janitor for half an hour and you have to start cleaning the rooms and other small works in the room which you can do.

44). Start singing one of the Disney songs that you remember wile twirling and dancing like the Disney princesses.

Funny truth or dare questions on work related dares and Disney character dares.

45). Give a prank call to some random person and say that you like them and then keep on talking for two minutes.

46). Go to the neighbours and start shouting and crying that there is a crocodile in your bathtub.

47). Make a video of you singing a popular song and post it on YouTube. (public embarrassment dares)

48). Go to the person you find attractive in the group and then compliment them on their best features.

49). Go to the person you find most funny and strange in the group and compliment them on their funny habits.

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Funny truth or dare questions about dares on pranks and jokes.

50). Post a poem written by you and on your own self on Facebook; keep the post for at least one day.

51). Dress like a girl if you are a boy and vice versa then click a picture and make it your watsapp dp for at least one day.

52). With toilet paper make a head dress and click pictures to post on Facebook.

53). Make a video of you doing moonwalk and post it on Facebook with the caption “Man on Moon”.

54). Stand and shout that “I am (name), hear me roar!”, make a video and post it on Facebook for one day.

Funny truth or dare questions about Facebook and watsapp related dares.

55). Paint your nails in different colours and wear two different lipsticks on your upper lip and lower lip for fifteen minutes in your school.

56). Go to a hangout party in your nightdress, you have to stay at the party for at least half an hour.

57). Balance a bottle on your head and sing a song while balancing the bottle.

58). Wear a girl’s dress if you are a boy or vice versa for the remainder of the game.

59). Wear your dress or your pants in reverse for the remainder of the game.

60). Take off your shoes and wear them on your hands and do a five minutes dance routine.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..