The Boyfriend Tag Questions List


Boyfriend Tag Questions: Internet is famous for setting some trends and breaking them too. Whenever you will surf it you are definitely going to find some interesting and trending stuff on it. One thing that is taking the internet by storm in these days is boyfriend tag questions. These types of questions are mostly asked on the couple’s blog but you can find them on other sites too.

The boyfriend tag questions are something you must be wondering about. So, let me tell you that these are the type of questions which are about the girlfriend that her boyfriend needs to answer. The tag is on boyfriend means he has to answer all the questions given about his girl.

This is not important that only the couple’s blog can feature them. The most important thing is the collection of the questions that must be interesting and engaging ones. If you are also looking for boyfriend tag questions list then here is the complete guide for it.

There is this thing you can do with such kind of questions. You can make a video of it when your girl is asking you these questions and can upload it on youtube. This would also be one fun thing to do for sure.

The Boyfriend Tag Questions List

The Boyfriend Tag Questions List

We have compiled a wonderful list of all types of boyfriend tag questions that his girl or anyone can ask him. The main focus of these questions is about the girl and anyone can ask these from the guy. So, here you go.

1). What was the place when you saw me for the first time?

2). Where did you meet my parents for the first time?

3). Do you remember the time and place when we kissed for the very first time?

4). Can you tell me that who said “I love you” first between both of us?

5). What are the three things that I really need in my everyday life?

Through these types of boyfriend tag questions you can know that what does he knows about you). I mean he must know the things that you need every day). It can be one significant question.

6). Where did we go for out very first date?

7). Which TV show I like to watch on the binge watch?

8). What kind of clothes I like to wear all the time?

9). Where did I start working as my first job?

He may now know about this thing). Well, answers of such kind of boyfriend tag questions totally depend upon for how long you guys have been dating.

10). Which food item I do not like to eat?

11). What are the things I am allergic to?

12). What kind of drinks I like to have in the parties?

13). Which is that color I have the most in my wardrobe?

14). Do you know what my shoe size is?

15). Which was the song you dedicated me for the first time?

This is one of the romantic kinds of boyfriend tag questions to ask him). Mostly all the guys surely remember the first song they dedicated to their girl but there can be exceptions too.

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16). What kind of flowers I like?

17). What kind of life style I wish I could live?

18). Can you tell me the name of the music playlist in my phone?

19). What are the things I am good at?

20). Which is my most favorite restaurant in town?

This is just one of those random boyfriend tag questions to ask your guy). This is just to know that whether he knows you basic likes or dislikes or not?

21). Which is my dream company or dream job?

22). Which is that sport I like to play all the time?

23). What is the color of my eyes?

24). Who are the five most important people in my life?

He must know about the important people in your life if it has been kind of a time for which you two are together). Through such kind of boyfriend tag questions you can get to know whether he knows about your people or not.

25). What is the name of my best friend?

26). What I like to do in my leisure time?

27). What kind of books I like to read?

28). Which one is my favorite movie?

29). Which is that celebrity I always wanted to meet?

30). What is the address of my home?

This is one of those boyfriend tag questions that he must know the answers of). Like, of course he must know the address of your home and if he doesn’t then I think he is in big trouble.

Other people are reading 100+ Cute questions to ask your Boyfriend or Girlfriend.

31). Can you tell me the exact time we have been dating for?

32). What are the things of mine that instantly makes you angry?

33). Which is my most favorite hang out place?

34). Do I wear contacts?

35). Name the company I work in?

36). When is my birthday?

Get ready to kick him hard if he does not even know your birthday). Through these types of obvious boyfriend tag questions you would surely know a lot of things.

37). What do I like to do on my birthdays usually?

38). What are the names of my parents?

39). What I usually watch on the television?

40). Who is that singer/band I really like to listen to all the time?

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This falls in the category of hobbies related boyfriend tag questions). And it of course must be asked to him to know that whether he knows about your choices or not?

41). What is my waist size?

42). What is the weirdest habit I have I cannot give up on?

43). What are the things I am really bad at?

44). If I were not into this job then, what would I have been doing in my life?

This is like asking to him about your passions indirectly). If he would know you completely then he would surely answer such boyfriend tag questions perfectly.

45). What are the hobbies I have?

46). What are the common interests that we share with each other?

47). Do I more look like my mom or my dad?

48). Which is that movie which always makes my cry?

49). If I had a habit of collecting something, then what would I have been collecting now?

This is one of those out of the box kind of boyfriend tag questions that you should surely ask him). He may not know its answer but it can be one interesting kind of question.

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50). Which is my most favorite travel destination?

51). If I am ordering a pizza for myself then which one it would be?

52). Which is my favorite flavor of ice cream?

53). What is my weird and hidden talent that is only known to you?

54). Which place do I belong to?

55). Do I have any phobias? If yes then what are they?

If he does not know answer to this then you should better tell about it to him). Through such kind of not so common boyfriend tag questions list he can get to know you in a better way.

56). Which animal I always wanted to have as a pet?

57). Which one is my most favorite youtube channel?

58). If I get lucky in winning some kind of lottery then how would I like to spend the money?

59). How would you describe me in just one word?

60). What is that one thing that I really hate but you like it a lot?

There can be many surprising answers on such kind of boyfriend tag questions). So, just get ready to listen to some really weird stuff).

61). Which song does I like the most?

62). If I am going to a coffeehouse then what do I most likely to order?

63). What do you think is the totally strange thing with me?

64). Which is my favorite place/club to spend the Saturday night?

65). Who is that person I feel closest to in my family?

If you guys are together for a long time then he must know certain things about your family). So, you can come to know about it via these boyfriend tag questions.

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66). Which is my favorite novel and author?

67). Do I like mornings more or nights?

68). What is my most favorite piece of clothing in my entire closet?

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69). What are the things that annoy me instantly?

70). Which one is my favorite play station game?

This is just one of those casual kinds of boyfriend tag questions which you can ask to him). These are just the random kind of questions to ask him anyway.

71). Who do you think is the dominant one in our relationship?

72). Where did we go for our first trip together?

73). Which one is my favorite color?

74). What do my parents call me with affection?

75). Which is that animal/insect I am deadly afraid of?

If he knows your likes then he should know about your fears too). Through such boyfriend tag questions you can easily know that whether he knows it or not?

76). If I have to settle down finally at one place in my life then which place would I choose?

77). Which is my favorite flavor of candies?

78). Can you describe the dream house I always wanted to have?

79). Which is that thing I wish I could eat every day?

80). Can you tell me the educational qualification I have?

These little things matter a lot in a relationship). Boyfriend tag questions helps a lot in knowing such kind of things from his side.

81). If I had to spend hours on a thing then which one it would be?

82). What do I like to call you with affection?

83). What are the fun activities that I like to do with you?

84). What kind of cake I like to have on my birthdays?

85). What are the things I mostly purchase when I go out shopping with you?

Shopping is like another best friend of a girl). So, he must know your choices about it). You can totally catch him up on it through such boyfriend tag questions.

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86). Which is that song I am playing on loop in these days?

87). How do I like to keep my hairs, short or long?

88). If I had to choose between one that what would I have chosen between red and green apple?

89). Which phone do I use?

If he does not even know what phone you use then girl you really need to get a life). These boyfriend tag questions can be totally eye opener for you.

90). Among all my footwear, which one is my personal favorite?

91). Which is that piece of clothing of yours that I like to wear?

92). What would I choose between black pen and blue pen?

93). What kind of place do I like to choose for vacations?

94). What is the name of the college I graduated from?

These are just the random kind of boyfriend tag questions that can be asked to him). You can check on him that whether he knows it or not.

95). Who am I closer to, mom or dad?

96). What is the name of my twitter handle?

97). Which is my favorite clothing brand?

98). Which is that friend of mine who you do not like at all?

99). Did you ever have a crush on any of my friend?

Well, these can be really interesting and gossiping kind of boyfriend tag questions). Girl, get ready for some hilarious replies over it and get ready to get shocked as well.

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100). Which habit of mine you find really irritating?

101). Which one is my most favorite childhood memory?

102). How many cities I have moved into?

103). What is the name of my pet?

104). Have you memorized my phone number?

105). What do I like more, android or iphone?

This is one just casual kind of question amongst all the boyfriend tag questions). Well, it would be really considerate if your choice is android over apple). Your guy must know about your different choices.

106). Who do I always turn to for some good advice in the difficult time of my life?

107). Which one was the last picture I posted on the social media?

108). What is the status on my WhatsApp account?

109). What is the longest duration for which we ever talked over phone call?

This is so common to talk for really long time over calls when you are so in love with each other). Couples usually remember it when they talked for the longest). You can easily find out whether he knows it or not through such boyfriend tag questions.

110). Who do I owe all the success I have achieved in my life?

111). What are the names of my siblings?

112). What was the last time I got severely injured?

113). What do I like the most about you?

114). What is my planning for next two years?

He is your guy and he must know what you have planned for you and for both of you for some years). Well, you can know at least his side of the story through these types of boyfriend tag questions.

115). What do I like to wear when I am at home?

116). Which one is my favorite sex position?

117). Which is that habit of yours which irritates me the most?

118). What was the last place I travelled to?

119). What kind of music do I like to listen to?

120). How much do I earn in a month?

People usually know about it when they are in a relationship). If he does not know about it yet then he would surely find out about it after asking boyfriend tag questions of such types.

Other girls are checking: Cute Things to Say to Your Boyfriend.

121). Am I a vegan or a non vegetarian?

122). Which is that parlor I visit regularly?

123). Where do I like to eat on every weekend?

124). What do I like to do when I am eating at home?

125). Name that one person I never want to talk in my entire life?

Boyfriend tag questions of such kinds are like a list of don’ts for your boyfriend). He must not try to do something which you hate and he will surely get a warning by your answer.

126). Tell me those five songs which are definitely in my playlist?

127). What did I eat last time?

128). What is the first thing that I like to do when I return home from work?

129). Which is that dream concert of mine I always wanted to attend?

130). Which are those body parts I have piercings on?

This can be one hot kind of boyfriend tag questions if you really have numerous piercings on your body). Well, this is all about let your guy guess and watches his expressions.

131). Apart from you, who is that person I talk to, everyday?

132). What kind of vehicle do I own; can you tell me its number?

133). Which is my most favorite drink?

134). Do you remember it when we did it for the first time?

There are very few people who still remember their first time). So, it would be interesting whether your guy knows the answers of such kind of boyfriend tag questions or not).

135). Which is that thing that can totally turn me off instantly?

136). What is my wildest fantasy ever?

137). What do I usually watch on youtube?

138). Which is my most favorite quote?

This is one of the casual and random kinds of boyfriend tag questions that you can ask from your guy.

139). How many relationships I have been into before meeting you?

140). What my first impression was like when you met me for the first time?

141). If I like a particular game then which one is my favorite sports team or sports person?

142). What type of sandwich I like to eat more often?

143). What do I argue about the most?

144). Where did we go on our first road trip?

145). If I am eating something late night then which snack it would be?

If he wakes up with you till late night then he would surely know the answer to such boyfriend tag questions.

146). Tell me that one thing that I surely do on every day basis which others usually do not do?

147). For which thing I have a weird obsession?

If you seriously have a really weird obsession then boyfriend tag questions of such types would surely reveal it to him if he does not know yet). It would be interesting to know his reviews over this.

148). Can you tell me that what I was wearing when we went on a date for the first time?

149). When do I totally become a fan girl?

150). What do I think about the seriousness of a relationship?


This giant boyfriend tag questions list is comprised of all kind of questions. They are funny, sweet, romantic, personal and most importantly interesting and engaging. So, nobody is going to feel bored while asking or answering. It can be like two ways. These questions can be asked by the girlfriend to the boyfriend or by someone third person to the guy about his girl.

I hope you would like all these questions to tag your boyfriend and you are so gonna ask him all these. You two are surely going to have some fun bonding time over them and it would be really good for your relationship too.

Moreover, they would only reveal details that how much the boy knows the girl and how much he is just pretending to. You all are surely going to like this list and girls I think all of you would be ready to fire the boyfriend tag questions on your guys.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..