Most Likely to Questions (150+ Best Questions)


Most Likely to Questions: Getting bored in some social gathering and want to explore this opportunity? You have come to the right page to find the most amazing questions you can ask to people to know them in a totally different way. Most likely to questions is something different from the normal kind of questions and would help you to know people better.

These fun and interesting kind of questions would help you a lot to break the ice between people. This is the most played games in parties to help the guests to make them feel comfortable enough. Most likely to questions would help you to know the choices of people even better.

Most Likely to Questions (150+ Best Questions)

These can be any kind of questions that you can ask to anyone. You can play it in social gatherings, sleep over, night outs, on an outing, in road trips, with the group of your best pals and in any other situations. You are surely going to love this game once you will start playing it. So get ready with your set of most likely to questions and enjoy with your friends.

Most Likely to Questions

1). What do you the most likely to do when you are home alone?

2). Which thing is the most likely to receive as a gift from your grandparents on your birthday?

3). Where do you the most likely to go in these holidays?

4). Which song is the most likely to sing along your friends?

5). Who is the most likely to binge watch on every weekend?

This is one of the great kinds of most likely to questions to know that what kind of shows each one like. It is a fun kind of question to ask people.

6). What do you the most likely to do on every weekend?

7). Who is the most likely to fall in love in every month?

8). Who is the most likely to laugh at their own farts?

9). What is the most likely to happen to you in New Year?

10). Who is the most likely to become a successful person first?

Such kind of most likely to questions are just random types of questions that are fun to discuss with all your best buddies.

11). Where do you the most likely to spend your rest of life?

12). When do you the most likely to get married?

13). At which age you are the most likely to have kids?

14). Who is the most likely to be cheating someone at this time?

15). Who is the most likely to ditch someone after becoming rich?

This is one of the craziest kinds of most likely to questions to ask to your friends. You people are surely going to get shocked with the answer.

16). Where do you the most likely to travel after getting too much bucks?

17). On which news you are the most likely to get shattered?

18). What are you the most likely to do after getting retired from your job?

19). Who is going to be the most likely to not get married ever?

20). Who is the most likely to never have kids?

21). What is the most likely to happen to you all after five years from now?

22). Which is the most likely to be eaten dish in parties by you?

23). Who is the most likely to eat when it is all for free?

24). Who is the most likely to drink to forget all his problems?

25). Who is the most likely to get pregnant soon?

26). Who is the most likely to have sex each day?

It is one of the kinkiest kinds of most likely to questions. I hope all you people will share a good laugh together through such questions.

27). Who is the most likely to become an artist?

28). Who is the most likely to earn more?

29). Who is the most likely to have more number of debts?

30). Who is the most likely to buy too many clothes from their first salary?

31). Who is the most likely to abuse first after being angry?

32). Who is the most likely to go through multiple marriages?

This comes in the category of funny kinds of most likely to questions. I hope it does not end up being true for someone. Well, at least you people are going to have a funny conversation through it.

33). Who is the most likely to be together until the day they die?

34). Who is the most likely to read the most number of books?

35). Who is the most likely to get famous for all the wrong reasons possible?

36). Who is the most likely to watch porn in night after a stressful day?

37). Who is the most likely to be get slapped by someone in public?

38). Who is the most likely to break all the norms of society?

39). Who is the most likely to make their parents proud by doing something extra ordinary?

40). Who is the most likely to murder someone someday?

This is other funniest types of most likely to questions that you can ask amidst a party. Of course you people are not supposed to take it seriously at all). This is just for fun.

41). Who is the most likely to sleep for the whole day when it is Sunday?

42). Who is the most likely to kidnap someone?

43). Who is the most likely to climb on Mount Everest?

44). Who is the most likely to get married to someone really famous?

45). Who is the most likely to join politics someday?

46). Who is the most likely to get dressed the worst for the Halloween?

47). Who is the most likely to pick Justin Beiber over Zayn Malik?

Well, I am not criticizing someone. This is just fun kind of most likely to questions to know the type of people you are having in your party.

48). Who is the most likely to drive a taxi in their life?

49). Who is the most likely to get settled in a forest?

50). Who is the most likely to go broke someday?

51). Who is the most likely to witness something creepy in their life?

52). Who is the most likely to do a miracle someday?

It is the time to put that faith of people in someone. Through such kind of most likely to questions you can get to know that with whom people have expectations to do something different.

53). Who is the most likely to get insulted in public?

54). Who is the most likely to get killed instead of having a natural death?

55). Who is the most likely to do something heroic someday?

56). Who is the most likely to create a world record someday?

57). Who is the most likely to become an adult actor in their life?

58). Who is the most likely to join army someday?

59). Who is the most likely to get placed in techies like Microsoft or Google?

60). Who is the most likely to fall in love soon?

Well, Well, Well! Such kind of most likely to questions can really turn up the whole game in a party. And it will be really interesting to know the answer to this question.

61). Who is the most likely to live the life of a secret agent?

62). Who is the most likely to register a huge patent on their name someday?

63). Who is the most likely to leave their college in the middle?

64). Who is the most likely to go to jail?

65). Who is the most likely to go to an island and never return back?

66). Who is the most likely to disappear someday mysteriously?

This is just a fun kind of most likely to questions and I am really sure that the answers on it will be hilarious. It is really amazing to know the person this much kind of mysterious among all.

67). Who is the most likely to own a private jet someday?

68). Who is the most likely to quit drinking eventually?

69). Who is the most likely to become a vegan/ non vegan?

70). Who is the most likely to be closer to their parents than any other of their siblings?

71). Who is the most likely to forget people’s birthdays or anniversaries?

72). Who is the most likely to sleep all the time?

It is the time to identify the sleepy eyes among all. Such most likely to questions are just to know that the one having a habit of feeling sleepy all the time.

73). Who is the most likely to take decisions without even thinking twice about them?

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74). Who is the most likely to walk to their destination rather than driving?

75). Who is the most likely to own a Mercedes very soon?

76). Who is the most likely to understand a joke very late?

77). Who is the most likely to learn music in their life?

78). Who is the most likely to be happy even when having less in their life?

Such kind of most likely to questions are just perfect to find the happy go lucky person in your friends group. This is the person who is happy no matter what is happening in their life.

79). Who is the most likely to kill someone accidently?

80). Who is the most likely to go to abroad someday?

81). Who is the most likely to get graduated from a foreign institute?

82). Who is the most likely to remain the fan of star wars always?

83). Who is the most likely to do bungee jumping in their life?

84). Who is the most likely to have the ugliest partner ever?

Well, it is just another one types of most likely to questions that is just for fun. This is not necessary that it is going to come true for sure. This is just to have a laugh with all.

85). Who is the most likely to be bitten by a poisonous snake?

86). Who is the most likely to get stalked a lot?

87). Who is the most likely to become the best cook ever?

88). Who is the most likely to stay hungry all the time?

89). Who is the most likely to damage their phone first?

90). Who is the most likely to do skydiving at least once in their life?

It is the time to find out the brave heart and adventurous among all. Such kind of most likely to questions would help you to know the same.

91). Who is the most likely to caught making out by someone?

92). Who is the most likely to get hooked in a public washroom?

93). Who is the most likely to learn the animal or bird language someday?

94). Who is the most likely to do the tantrums all the time?

95). Who is the most likely to lose all that they have earned on a stupid bet?

96). Who is the most likely to hold their breath the longest in the water?

97). Who is the most likely to go for having a tattoo on their body?

This is just another one to find the courageous one among all. Through such kind of most likely to questions all your friends would know the one who likes to experiment a lot.

98). Who is the most likely to go for piercing on a weird body part?

99). Who is the most likely to never go for a honeymoon to save money?

100). Who is the most likely to become the most miser among all?

101). Who is the most likely to make their kids join a rock band?

102). Who is the most likely to become a scientist?

103). Who is the most likely to get panic over each and every small things of their life?

104). Who is the most likely to become a sports personality?

105). Who is the most likely to get abandoned by all someday?

This is the time for a reality check for such kind of person. Through such most likely to questions one can know where he/she is going wrong. This can lead to very serious conversation.

106). Who is the most likely to cry the most in all kind of movies?

107). Who is the most likely to watch all the horror films?

108). Who is the most likely to end up ruining their life?

109). Who is the most likely to suffer from a major and breathtaking disease?

110). Who is the most likely to make a film someday?

111). Who is the most likely to die single?

Well, the answers on such kind of most likely to questions are seriously going to be hilarious. If you want to know Mr. or Miss Single then you should go for such questions.

112). Who is the most likely to become a con?

113). Who is the most likely to rob a bank someday?

114). Who is the most likely to never get a job and stable life?

115). Who is the most likely to get into an argument first?

116). Who is the most likely to marry someone just for money?

Such kind of most likely to questions are surely going to raise a lot of eyebrows. So you must ask such questions with the friends you are comfortable with.

117). Who is the most likely to produce weird noises while chewing?

118). Who is the most likely to win an Oscar someday?

119). Who is the most likely to get arrested for selling weeds?

120). Who is the most likely to make people laugh by being a comedian?

This is just a light hearted kind of most likely to questions. This can really lead to a great conversation with your friends.

121). Who is the most likely to go bankrupt?

122). Who is the most likely to achieve super powers someday?

123). Who is the most likely to win a lottery?

124). Who is the most likely to represent their nation someday?

125). Who is the most likely to write a book and become a best seller for it?

It is the time to find the author among the crowd. Such most likely to questions are just perfect for it. This would surely reveal a totally different side of some of your friends.

126). Who is the most likely to do one hit wonder?

127). Who is the most likely to make a big discovery?

128). Who is the most likely to get eaten by a lion?

129). Who is the most likely to travel the whole world?

130). Who is the most likely to become a clown in a circus?

You people are going to laugh till your stomach hurts on such kind of most likely to questions. It would totally make you all go rolling on the floor with the names popped out on it.

131). Who is the most likely to find the secret of Bermuda Triangle?

132). Who is the most likely to have an underwater house someday?

133). Who is the most likely to change them with a plastic surgery?

134). Who is the most likely to break someone’s marriage?

135). Who is the most likely to have the most number of tattoos on their body?

This is just a random kind of most likely to questions. It would just reveal the taste and choices of your friends.

136). Who is the most likely to have their own tropical island?

137). Who is the most likely to cheating on their partner?

138). Who is the most likely to get fired by their boss?

139). Who is the most likely to die under mysterious circumstances?

140). Who is the most likely to celebrate their birthday alone?

This is the kind of question for the introvert kind of people. This would reveal that who likes it to be alone. Such most likely to questions are really great to ask to let people come out of their closet.

141). Who is the most likely to never join a social media platform ever?

142). Who is the most likely to never own a phone?

143). Who is the most likely to hire a detective to spy over someone?

144). Who is the most likely to become a kleptomaniac?

145). Who is the most likely to own a lavish and big apartment?

This is a bit different from being successful. This can be about the spending habit of some of your friends. Such most likely to questions are just the random ones.

146). Who is the most likely to die the poorest among all?

147). Who is the most likely to make a world record for not showering for the longest time?

148). Who is the most likely to become a popular criminal?

149). Who is the most likely to become a sculpture to be kept in a museum someday?

150). Who is the most likely to have a lot of kids?

This is just a funny kind of most likely to questions to ask to your friends. Get ready to get some hilarious answers on it. It would surely reveal the future planning of some; I hope you are getting what I mean?


I just listed all the most likely to questions in such a way that you can use them in any party or gathering. You need not to think twice before asking them. They are just for fun and you must not take them personally. Anyone should not connect them too much to the reality. They are just for passing the time and having some great time with your friends.

Apart from having fun this would also tell some facts about your friends that were unknown before. I would suggest you to not take this too seriously and just keep it a low key affair. This would surely make you people go Rofl until your stomach hurts. So, just get ready to have a great time with all your buddies.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..