100 Most Interesting Websites to Visit When You are Bored

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Are you the one who is completely done with social media and outrageous crazy posts that is an everyday thing on these sites? Well, I think you should check out some most interesting websites which can help you to discover something which you have never seen before.

100 Most Interesting Websites to Visit When You are Bored

Here are some of the best options of such websites which are going to make perfect companion for you when you are feeling bored as hell. I hope you are going to find the best way to kill your boredom through these sites.

1. Bored Panda

Website: https://www.boredpanda.com/

Bored Panda

So, the first one into this list of most interesting websites is Bored Panda which is also my favorite too. And the reason is pretty clear, if you want to see anything unusual and worth having all your attention then Bored Panda is one site you should look up to.

Apart from it, there are plenty of sections and categories and millions of interesting posts which would not let you down at all. So, check out this website now but beware, you might get addicted to it.

2. Radiooooo

Website: http://radiooooo.com/


I think Radiooooo is one of a kind of website to let you get away from other bored websites in your life. I mean you would not even realize when you will end up spending hours on this website. This is basically an online radio streaming site which is not like some ordinary radio station.

You can prefer location and time according to your choice and it will connect you to the relevant radio streaming of that period and location. So, get ready with your headphones and plenty of hours handy with you.

3. The Useless Web

Website: http://www.theuselessweb.com/

The Useless Web

Only the name of this website is The Useless Web otherwise this is one hack of a thing. I am sure you must have been aware with the trend of “too bad to be true”. Well, the site works on the same trend and it brings out the most useless and weird websites available on the internet.

This one of a kind thing turn out to be quite great when it comes to browsing most interesting websites. You have no idea what it can bring you next and trust me you are totally going to be shook with the results that it brings to you.

4. Little Alchemy

Website: https://littlealchemy.com/

Little Alchemy

Do not worry, I am not talking about some chemistry classes here. I am just talking about the websites to go on when bored and Little Alchemy is one of them. So, quite like chemistry you are supposed to mix some things and elements here and see what you get in end.

For example, mixing Earth and air gives dust. Just like that you have countless options to mix and see their after effects on your computer screen. It is hands down the most creative concept I have ever seen.

5. F My Life

Website: http://www.fmylife.com/

F My Life

Call it Twitter of accidents and bad fortune or a site different than rest of the sites that I listed in the category of most interesting websites. F My Life is the most unusual project that I came across. This is a site which comprised hilarious posts by people who ended up saying F My Life.

Here you can share your own unfortunate experience or see other’s and comment on it. This is a great platform to discover what funny things people go through every day and I am sure it is going to kill your boredom in even seconds.

6. Brain Pickings

Website: https://www.brainpickings.org/

Brain Pickings

There are like thousands and even more websites for boredom which can entertain you within minutes. But Brain Pickings is a site which will not only entertain you but also educate you too. I think it is great to discover something new and interesting while you are trying to break the boredom in your life.

The website come blog is run by a MIT fellow Maria Popova and I can say it with shear confidence that she is doing an amazing job in developing it every single day.

7. The Worst Things for Sale

Website: http://theworstthingsforsale.com/

Can you imagine a website which lists out all the worst things up for sale on the various online shopping portals? Well, hard to believe but it is true and I listed this site under my list of most interesting websites too because it is literally so lit.

From craziest clothes to unnecessary stuff you can keep in your home, the website lists it all and trust me the products are really very disappointing. But as we say, we love to hate things so you can check out this website when you are feeling utterly bored.

8. The Faces of Facebook

Website: http://app.thefacesoffacebook.com/

The Faces of Facebook

It is the time to kiss goodbyes to boredom websites because The Faces of Facebook is going to break all the boredom in your life and is going to leave you with hours of searching crazily on this site. You may find this website utterly crazy when you land on its homepage but trust me it is so much fun.

All you have to do is just click on one of the spots and it is going to showcase some of the pictures of Facebook users here. Now click on desirable picture and it will lead you to their FB profile. Isn’t it so much fun to do?

9. YouTube

Website: https://www.youtube.com/


I don’t think I need to brag much about this site when we are talking about the most interesting websites. Come on, you people would have to admit that at one point of your life or the other, YouTube was all that you wanted to browse throughout the day.

From movies, videos, viral news, music to every single popular media, you can find it all here. And Youtubers are like the bonus to add to your entertainment. YouTube is a website which is definitely the top most place to look for when you are bored.

10. Mental Floss

Website: http://mentalfloss.com/

Mental Floss

What if all the things to look up when you are bored turns out to be quite shocking and intriguing ones. If you want to dig deeper into past things and history behind every popular events and stories then Mental Floss is a place you should spend your time at.

From latest technology to hidden secrets of history, this site contains everything worth having your attention. And once you will start browsing through it you are totally going to become unstoppable then. The crazy facts and amazing information on this site will leave you speechless for sure.

11. People of Walmart

Website: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/

People of Walmart

I am sure many a time you would have come across the posts of this website shared by many of your friends on social media because it is actually kind of funny. This website entirely belongs to weird people seen in Walmart living a life nobody has a clue about.

The site makes a great pick under the category of most interesting websites and am sure you would never get enough of it because of the new stuffs they upload every day.

12. Name Combiner

Website: http://namecombiner.com/

Name Combiner

If you think old school games are over then you should immediately switch to these cool websites to visit when you are feeling bored with everything else. Name Combiner is a website through which you can combine two names and find the nick name generated from it.

Apart from your crush’s name, you can also combine your name with any stuff or thing that you like and generate a name after it. I think it is actually kind of fun to do especially when you are feeling utterly bored.

13. Incredibox

Website: http://incredibox.com


Musical sites are something which puts every other most interesting websites on shame. And in that category, I am talking about Incredibox which is a jukebox kind of website where you can create your own type of music by mixing sounds you like.

Crazy hipster men, melodies and songs in the library, you are going to get everything here. You can also directly share this music to Facebook or save it in your PC too. I think it is the most productive way to kill your time and you must try it out.

14. Ted

Website: https://www.ted.com/


Talking about the interesting sites on Internet then the concept of TEDTalks is no new to the young generation and I think it is something that everyone should know about. This is a platform where you can watch inspiration videos and chats with popular and successful people.

In fact, it is a great site for youth to surf when they are bored to want something intellectual. So, plug in your headphones and get stuck to the site because it can give you the motivation you need in your life.

15. Weave Silk

Website: http://weavesilk.com/

Weave Silk

Weave Skills is nothing but one of the most creative and most interesting websites to feel nostalgic again. It is going to remind you of those happy times when there was no internet and people used to draw absurd things to kill some time.

Actually, you need to do the same here and the graphics and visual representation is going to change everything in something way more cool and attractive for you. I think this is the kind of site you really need to surf when done with office loads.

16. The Moth

Website: https://www.themoth.org/

The Moth

This is the time that you prefer such websites for when you are bored which connects you more to reality rather than fictional things. Of course, you are going to get super addictive to it because The Moth is a platform where you get to know about the real life stories of numerous people.

If you are the one who is interested in telling a story to the world and listening to their then this platform is a match made in heaven for you. It even has a podcast feature too.

17. Awkward Family Photos

Website: http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/

Awkward Family Photos

This is one site whose post has been shared by thousands of people and each day it may flash on your newsfeed of social media too. This is because Awkward Family Photos is one of the most hilariously funny and most interesting websites amongst all.

You would not even believe that people actually click such family photos that they become huge jokes. You will be totally going crazy after having a look at it. So, whenever you feel like you are going crazy with boredom, do not forget to checkout this website.

18. Funny or Die

Website: http://www.funnyordie.com/

Funny or Die

I am sure you must have get it that why I listed Funny or Die into the category of sites to visit when bored just by its name. Unlike most of the media streaming sites, the main focus of Funny or Die remains to be all kind of funny stuffs only.

From sketches, videos, images, personalities, users to comedians, Funny or Die is a platform which is only for those people who have the charisma to woo others with their ultimate sense of humor.

19. Damn You Auto Correct

Website: http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com/

Damn You Auto Correct

This is one of those types of most interesting websites where you instantly react, OMG this has happened with me too. Get ready to witness the most relatable conversation jokes that went horribly wrong because of auto-correct problem.

I know you are going to be super crazy over it because each picture tells a different story which has surely happened with someone at one time or the other. I am sure you would not want to miss this golden opportunity to kill your boredom. In fact, you can also upload your stories here too.

20. Laughing Squid

Website: https://laughingsquid.com/

Laughing Squid

If you are thinking that I’m bored what should I do on the internet then it is the time to use all your energy into one amazing place called Laughing Squid. Just like its name, the site is just perfect to make you laugh like never before.

This is basically a blog where you can find creative and funny posts about art, technology, culture and trending stuff in form of videos and photographs curated carefully. With regular updates and posting, the site always have something new to offer.

21. Free Rice

Website: http://freerice.com/

Free Rice

Free Rice is a very different platform and such a different concept too. For the people looking for most interesting websites to kill their free time, I think they should definitely prefer this website over everything else because the cause behind it is quite great.

So, this is basically a type of Trivia where you will be asked questions with multiple choice. Now, each time you answer correctly they people donate 10 grains of rice. You can actually save someone’s life and there is surely some knowledge you will be gaining here.

22. XKCD

Website: https://xkcd.com/


People are going digital and now nobody has the time to go through the old school way and read comics again. So, why not to read some comic strips digitally when you are feeling super bored? XKCD is one of the most interesting websites for the people who love to read comics.

There are even various categories available on this site like romance, math, satires, comedy, language etc. This is so fun that you are going to enjoy these comic strips a lot.

23. Draw a Stickman

Website: http://www.drawastickman.com/

Draw a Stickman

I am sure like most of the people you would have also made stickman behind your notebooks to kill some time in boring lessons. It is the time to do the same but through Draw a Stickman which is one of the most interesting websites in this list.

All you have to do is just draw a stickman through the help of mouse and now you can cast it into some adventurous stories too. This is going to be super fun because the game is so addictive.

24. Notpron

Website: http://notpron.org/notpron/levelone.htm


Are you the one feeling bored on the internet despite unlimited data pack and great speed? Well, you should not miss this opportunity and start browsing Notpron right away. This is a website which is for people who loves to solve riddles.

With the help of signs and background you need to solve crazy riddles on this platform and hence your level keeps on increasing. This website is really interesting and eye-catching to those people who are always up for such activities. And I think you should definitely try this to kill some time.

25. What Should I Read Next

Website: http://whatshouldireadnext.com/

What Should I Read Next

This concept of most interesting websites is quite different from the other ones. Many a times you do not get the right platform or right time to search for great literature work especially like the one you read the last time. So, this time you can put it all together with the help of this website.

Through this, you just need to enter the name of the book you really like and the site is going to show you the legit suggestions of the books that you should read now. This is actually way more than that and you can discover more about it.

26. MapCrunch

Website: http://www.mapcrunch.com/


Ok, I am not insulting Google Maps here but this site is slightly different than Google Maps for sure. For someone who is totally into traveling and wanting to know more about different streets from across the world then MapCrunch is a gold for them.

You just need to enter the location whose photos you want to check and now the street from that area is going to appear to you. Isn’t it the most creative thing for a wanderlust person? I think this is like taking over the world on a single screen.

27. Vieuus

Website: www.vieuus.com


There are people who are really tired of watching the similar feed on YouTube every day. I know it gets really frustrating and this is why such people can use Vieuus which is similar platform but way better than YouTube.

This is the best thing and one of the most interesting websites you ever need to kill your free time and get acknowledged to the viral content in the world. There are various categories here which is going to help you to bifurcate the videos and watch it accordingly.

28. Oddee

Website: https://www.oddee.com/


If you love to know about all the odd and weird stuffs existing in this world then Oddee is a website which can help you in finding such things. This is surely going to break all your boring times and also going to provide you unbelievable knowledge too.

The blog comprises strangest and most weird things and content from around the world. You can find various categories here like art, science, ads, signs, home deigns, names, stories, tech and there is way more than that on this site too.

29. Face + +

Website: https://www.faceplusplus.com/

Face Plus Plus is quite different from the rest of the most interesting websites which are listed here and you are going to need a webcam here too. The site recognizes your face and tries to match it up with some celebs and tells you who do you look like.

The site also have some paid features too which are fun to explore along with face filters and crazy doodles.

30. Clever Bot

Website: http://www.cleverbot.com/

Clever Bot

Enough with talking to people, now it is the time to irritate bots to kill your boredom. Of course, they are not as stupid as humans so this is going to be one clever fight between humans and technology and I can bet you that you are never going to get enough of it.

You are going to talk with AI here and you can literally ask anything. In fact, if you cannot think of anything then you can choose random questions from this site too. I think this is going to be quite fun.

31. The Passive Aggressive Password Machine

Website: http://www.trypap.com/

The Passive Aggressive Password Machine

Now, you must be thinking that what does it even mean and why would someone even create a website from that name? But actually it exists in real and this website tells you something really passive about the password you enter into the data.

So, each time you put a password into the options, the site is going to tell you something really aggressive and wacky things about the type of password you entered. What else do you want in the most interesting websites other than great entertainment? Get ready for some serious insult this time.

32. This is My Website Now

Website: http://www.thisismywebsitenow.com/

This is My Website Now

If you literally need a website which can kill your time without even you realizing it then This is My Website Now is a place you should head towards. There are like hundreds of amazing mini games compiled on this website which do not even require you to download them.

All these are simple browser based games which makes perfect option for you to kill your free time and get rid of the boredom.

33. Giphy

Website: https://giphy.com/


I am sure you must have come across this website earlier too because most of the blogs and websites uses the GIFs in their content from this site only. Giphy is the ultimate destination where you need to go if you are a crazy fan of GIFs.

Being one of the most unique and most interesting websites in the world, Giphy has all types of content like funny, romantics, crazy, weird, humor, amazing etc. And I am sure each time you will explore this site in your free time you are going to say wow.

34. Don’t Even Reply

Website: http://dontevenreply.com/

Don’t Even Reply

The next one in this list of most interesting websites is Don’t Even Reply. This website has a compilation of the mails sent by users to the advertising spams sent by various companies. The main aim of this author is to just piss people off who send these spams to numerous people and irritate them.

Some of the replies are so hilarious that you would be saying that this is something you had always wanted to say to the spammers. You are seriously going to love this website and trust me you would not even realize when you have spent hours reading these mails.

35. This is Sand

Website: https://thisissand.com/

This is Sand

It is the time to focus on such most interesting websites which are like a treat for the creative minds. There is nothing else which can soothe your mind in the free time like creativity and art and craft. This is Sand is a site which is going to provide every bit of art to you.

All you have to do here is design creative designs with the help of sands here. You just need to press Key C to choose the color and then click on the screen to design whatever you want.

36. Weird or Confusing

Website: http://weirdorconfusing.com/

Weird or Confusing

The website is actually quite entertaining and it is connect to Amazon links too. So, each time you click on the specific button, it is going to lead you to one of the products available on Amazon. Now, you need to decide whether the product is weird or confusing or what?

Actually, these are the products which has no sense or use in the day to day life. In fact, the names of these products are also quite weird and hilarious. So, through this website, you are going to get to know about some really strange stuffs available on Amazon.

37. BuzzFeed

Website: https://www.buzzfeed.com/


It would be kind of an insult to this site if I would not have included it in this list of most interesting websites. BuzzFeed comprises all the viral and latest things from around the corner of the world which is worth getting all the buzz from people.

You can literally find everything on this site like crazy images, videos, news, viral content, GIFs and many more too. This is the ultimate place to reach if you want to keep an eye on all the things happening in the world.

38. Engrish

Website: http://engrish.com/


It is the time for all the Grammar Nazis to come together and join each other on one single platform because you are going to get the biggest Wordgasm of all time. This site actually curates various images like sign board, slogans, context etc. from around the world with grammatical errors or spelling mistakes in it.

And trust me it is so fun to see such things and those people who gets irked by such mistakes, this is like a whole lot to take for them.

39. Virtual Bubblewrap

Website: http://virtual-bubblewrap.com/

There is no doubt that fighting for that bubblewrap with your siblings was the greatest adventure of childhood. But now you can experience the same to kill your free time and guess what, you do not even need actual bubblewrap for that.

This site creates a virtual bubblewrap on the screen of your device and you can burst these bubbles out here with the similar experience. And this time you are not even going to out of bubbles too. I think this is one of the most interesting websites to remember your childhood days.

40. Honest Slogans

Website: http://honestslogans.com/

Honest Slogans

Now, this is something which you can call one of the coolest websites in the world. The site is exactly like its title and you are going to find a huge library on the exact same stuff out here. I think the concept is really amazing and this site features popular brands from around the world with their slogans re-imagined.

This site puts together the honest slogans of these brand and put them in a completely different light. You are really going to love this one and this free time of yours is going to be utilized very well.

41. Pointer Pointer

Website: http://www.pointerpointer.com/

Pointer Pointer

After getting to know about this website, you would be thinking how someone can be so creative and how can such websites even exist. Amongst all the most interesting websites over the internet, Pointer Pointer is something you are going to find the real fun in.

All you have to do is just place the pointer on the screen and the website is going to start loading an image. Now wait for some time to let the image pop on the screen and it is going to be so fun because each time the image is damn funny.

42. ZergNet

Website: http://www.zergnet.com/


We are almost done here with all types of websites that you can surf in your time. Most of the sites feature their own and original content which sometimes gets boring. But ZergNet is kind of different because it curates the best work from different websites.

The main focus of this site remains on movies, TV shows and other media and entertainment related stuff. If you are a big movie buff then you should definitely check out this website right away.

43. Hyperbole and a Half

Website: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.in/

Hyperbole and a Half

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Hyperbole and a Half is basically a type of blog run by blogger Allie Brosh. I personally think that this young girl has immense talent as she displays everything on this site through the help of Microsoft Paint drawings. Can you imagine how creative she is?

In fact, I think amongst all the comics stuff and creative most interesting websites, Hyperbole and a Half literally tops the list. You are going to find each drawing telling a different story and they are so cute that you are immediately going to feel happy and light if you are in a bad mood.

44. Filler

Website: http://simianlogicstudios.com/games/filler/


So, now finally I am going to tell you about a game which you can play in your free time to get rid of the boredom. The great thing about Filler game is that you do not need any tactics or high skills, this is just a simple flash player game which can be played online on your browser.

You just need to fill in a specific area with only balls and now it is your turn to decide the size of the balls but you need to fill that area completely.

45. World CAM

Website: http://worldc.am/

World CAM

We are done with getting to know about billions of Facebook users from around the world and now it is the time to get involves in such most interesting websites which curates content from Instagram feed. This website geo tagged every single Instagram picture so that it can be bifurcated on the basis of location.

If you are getting bored then you just need to enter the location of a place and you are going to receive all the photos posted on Instagram from this location. I think this concept is highly interesting and I am sure you people would love to try it out.

46. Forgetify

Website: http://forgotify.com/


No, this is not a spin-off of Spotify but actually lies in the similar category though. As everybody knows that Spotify is the biggest platform to showcase the amazing tracks by popular artists from various parts of the world but Forgetify is kind of different.

It brings you the work of such artists who are lesser known and trying to find a place to showcase their work. You are going to find great indie and catchy songs here which is way different from the regular one that you listen to.

47. FAIL Blog

Website: http://failblog.cheezburger.com/


People have tend to consider most interesting websites to those ones who have the potential to entertain them with unlimited puns and crazy images. This is a type of blog that I am listing here and it is comprised of all the disastrous encounters that people go through in their day to day life but funny as hell.

You are going to see the images of people failing in attempting one thing or another here. In fact, the site is one of the oldest one in this list too and crazily hilarious too.

48. Attack of the Cute

Website: http://attackofthecute.com/

Attack of the Cute

Attack of the Cute is a website which is going to get acknowledged with all the cutest pictures of the animals from around the world. This is one of the simplest website but you are only going to find pictures here and not videos.

I think Attack of the Cute is exactly the kind of site which you need to kill some free time. It will instantly lift up your mood and the next thing you know will be you smiling all the time.

49. OMG Facts

Website: https://omgfacts.com/

OMG Facts

The site is exactly like its name and hence I enlisted it out here in the list of most interesting websites. The site is nothing usual like rest of the amazing facts sort of site. Here they people post stuff and it is voted by their audience to be declared as authentic or not.

There are a lot of topics of discussions on this site like politics, history, sex, science, technology etc. In fact, it allows you to submit your content here too. I think it is a great thing to increase your knowledge while you have some free time to kill.

50. Big Think

Website: http://bigthink.com/

Big Think

Many times people feel really depressed when they are feeling bored but now you can kiss it goodbye with this site called Big Think. This is the last pick in the category of most interesting websites and surely one of the most inspiring one too.

Here you are going to find stories, sayings, thoughts, quotes and life stories of various successful and popular people. The site can turn out to be a big motivation when you are feeling low in your life.

51. Listen to Your Birthday Song

Website: http://playback.fm/

Would you like to recognize the first song on your birthday? I think yes, Because of everyone like birthday songs. But this website plays birthday songs after submitting your birthday related information. Only you need to visit http://www.Playback.fm/birthday-song link and input your birthday information and hit “Find” button. And enjoy the song on your birthday. Is it not cool?

This website is very user-friendly. Another cool feature of Playback is you can listen to your desired song just type desired song name into the search box and hit enter. You will get relevant results.

52. Cartoon Yourself

Website: http://cartoonize.net/

Did you ever try to make a cartoon picture from your photo? If yes then navigate to Cartoonize.net and upload your picture, pick an effect and you’ve done. you can share or copy your newly create cartoon photo on social media. And can tag your friends, it will be great fun. Even you can create a cartoon of your best friend and tag your all friends, you and your friend will enjoy this moment very much. This is paid software but you can create some cartoons with trail version also.

53. LOL at Funny Autocorrect Fails

Website: http://damnyouautocorrect.com/

Autocorrect is a significant feature of writing. But it may be awful sometimes. But it’s quite interesting as well. Look at the funny autocorrect errors on Damnyouautocorrect.com. Also, you can discover latest mistakes here after visiting URL.

54. Look like a Celebrity

Website: http://faceplus.com/

It’s hilarious completely. You can look alike a celebrity. Reveal it by navigating Faceplus.com to determine your face with a Celeb. What are you waiting for?

Take a picture and upload it to find out the result. You’ll be presented with not one or two but eight celebrities like you. You may notice some Chinese celeb as it made by Chinese developers. Try it yourself and be a celebrity.

55. Help to End Hunger

Website: http://freerice.com/

Do you Like Burger? Would you like to finish a burger to help to starve people around the globe? Am I joking? Nope! I’m not as per Freerice.com. It donates ten grains of rice to the needy people for giving every correct answer. Is it really? Find out yourself. 

56. Make a Wish

Website: http://wishpush.com

Make a wish and your all dream come true. Are you kidding me? It’s not so easy. But it can happen on Wishpush.com. Go to the site, look at the sky, click the star and make a wish. Your dream will come true after falling stars.

57. Get Reading Suggestions

Website: http://whatshouldireadnext.com/

Do you like to read the story? So, if you want to find similar kind of books according to your choice then head over to Whatshouldireadnext.com. Search your desired book and you will notice much suggestion for your next book.

58. Read Funny Emails

Website: http://dontevenreply.com/

Dontevenreply.com has a collection of advertising spam emails. The writer wants to muddle with spam advertisers, puzzle those people and pissed them off.

59. Make Everything OK

Website: http://make-everything-ok.com/

Can you make everything okay with one click? Does it happen really? Well! Check yourself. Open Make-everything-ok.com and hit “magic “button and see what happen.

60. Calm Down with Famous Brits

Website: http://calmingbrits.tumblr.com/

Why Does British never lose their temper? It might be due to their nature.
Open Calmingbrits.tumblr.com to explore British actors soothing expressions.

61. Listen to The Rain

Website: http://rainymood.com/

Don’t you like to hear the sound of falling rain? If yes then go to Rainymood.com to feel the sound of rain. I’m pretty sure that you won’t leave it immediately if you think “Rain makes everything better” as the saying of the site.

62. Chitchat With Clever Bot

Website: http://cleverbot.com/

Cleverbot.com is a fantastic place to kill your time. You can speak with an artificial brain (bot). Ask your question and you’ll get a reasonable answer at once. But what if you’ve nothing to ask? Just press “think for me” to obtain random questions. Are you ready to converse with a digital brain? 

63. Get a Free Hug

Website: http://thenicestplaceontheinter.net/

TheNicestPlaceOnTheInter.net claim to be the most amazing site for offering free hugs to the strangers. Just use your webcam to record your video and then send your YouTube link to the developer.

64. Lunchtimers

Website: http://lunchtimers.com/

You can play with words (refrigerator magnets) online along with friends, family and others on Lunchtimers. You can create poems, funny messages online and change others word to make it more fascinating.

65. I Waste So Much Time

Website: http://iwastesomuchtime.com/

It works just like the name. You’ll find numerous interesting images here. Go to this site and say goodbye to all sort of hassle. Because it has several categories for images (like Popular, Random, What the What) and videos to cheer up your mood.

You can upload an Image or its link and video too. But don’t hang on it too much because you may be captivated then

66. Sporcle

Website: http://sporcle.com/

Are you like to play Quiz? Then I have got something crazy for you which is called Sporcle. It has (12+) categories and numerous quizzes to play at your leisure. Open Sporcle and fortify your knowledge bank.

67. Midomi

Website: http://midomi.com/

Who want to play a musical game? You didn’t get it. Right? Let me explain. I’m speaking about a site called Midomi where you can record a song with your microphone by clicking the green button.

Well!! It’ll determine the song from your recorded voice afterward. So, if you sang appropriately then you’ll notice the original song in the results. Isn’t it fun for you? So, test your voice and seek your favorite song.

68. 9 Eyes

Website: http://9-eyes.com/

Google Maps is the most preferred way to find a location. But we miss striking pictures often until we find it somewhere. So, if you like to discover some crazy pictures then visit 9 Eyes to explore such photos.

69. What happened in my Birth Year

Website: http://whathappenedinmybirthyear.com/

What happened in your birth year? You should have this question on your mind. Don’t you want to know about the particular things in your birth year? I bet that it’s yes, but it’s quite problematic to gather all information. Isn’t it?

Go to this site and putting in your birth date. Now you’re ready to know every story from your birth year.

70. Omegle – Chat with Unknown

Website: http://omegle.com/

Your friends are not online, and you have nothing to do. So, what is the solution? If you’ve nobody to speak, then you can Omegle to talk with anonymous people. You can send messages and video call too. But if you don’t like it then stop whenever you want.

71. Zombo

Website: http://zombo.com/

Zombo.com is a motivational welcome. What am I saying? You’ll be greeted by a man continuously, and he’ll restore confidence in you by telling you that it’ll be a blessing day for you and you’ll fulfill your targets because you’re   humbling. If you require a motivation source, then it might be an appropriate place to boost yourself.

72. Do Nothing for 2 Minutes

Website: http://donothingfor2minutes.com/

It acts just like the name “Do Nothing for 2 Minutes”. It’s important to take a break from Internet and stay away from mouse and keyboard for a while to grasp the moment of our life. You require staying offline whether you’re worker or general internet user.

73. Turn Your Name into a Face

Website: http://classnamer.com/

Mine is in the screenshot above. How weird does yours come out to be?

TYNIaF is a witty site totally. When you type your name, it’ll present your name into a face. Don’t think too much. Just try it see how does your face look like?

74. FontBomb

Website: http://turnyournameintoaface.com/

Want to blow up your load without troubling anything? Go to FontBomb and press anywhere on the page to fit bombs. It is made by JavaScript code to spread out the content for the explosion.


Website: http://fontbomb.com/

ASCII transforms an image into ASCII art. So, upload or drag and drop your pictures for converting in ASCII. Select your picture and pick ASCII variant and you are good to go. But you can’t save the output, unfortunately. 

76. Stop ‘em Sheep

Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/sleep/sheep/reaction_version5.swf

Stop ‘em Sheep is going to test your reaction time? You’ll witness ten sheep in a line, but five sheep will try to escape out of ten. You’ll be given a tranquilizer to stop them as soon as possible. But you don’t know when a sheep is going to get away; you need to be steady always, therefore. Stop ’em sheep and increase your spontaneous effect.

77. The Oatmeal

Website: http://theoatmeal.com/

Matthew Inman found the Oatmeal. It’s a lively place for all passionate comic lovers. He draws on real-life incidents like education, odd stories that’s impossible in reality. But it’s still pretty amazing to lighten your mood. Give it a try and see how it goes for you.

78. Draw a Stick Man

Website: http://drawastickman.com/

OMG!! I have just felt like an animator on Drawastickman. It’s such a astounding to do animation and fun. First of all, you will create a drawing (however you can) and then you need to add an object depending on the situation for the stick man. It’s not like an animated GIFs where you’ll make a moving image only. This site will give you a story, and you need to play with it. I became a fan by using it once. So, I recommend it highly especially if you are bored. 

79. Creepy Girl

Website: http://www.cubo.cc/creepygirl/

Creepy Girl is a weird website. I don’t this site too much because you’ll see girl moving her eyes with your cursor movements.

80. Incredibox

Website: http://www.incredibox.com/

You’ll find four cartoon version (The original, Little Miss, sunrises and The Love) on its homepage. Click on one and then you will be sent to a page where you can create and mix sound with various music options like instruments, percussions, chorus, effects, and bonus.

Also, you can listen to top 50 tracks. You should listen few at once because those are made tremendously well. If you disagree with me, then try “feeling the song” track. You will love it undoubtedly.

81. Spreeder

Website: http://spreeder.com/

Spreeder says that Speed reading is the art of silencing subvocalization, and so it’s true. You can write pretty quick but can you read at the same speed? Recognize your reading skill and determine your readability against your friends or colleagues. Press “Click Here to Speed Read this Introduction” and then you observe a box with a blue button. You’ll give a single word one by one for testing reading speed. You can adjust background color, font, word per minute, etc. before start spreading. What are you waiting for? Give it a try.

82. Zoom Quilt

Website: http://zoomquilt.org/

ZoomQuilt is a like moving train because you see everything passing when you’re on a train. Similarly, you will perceive stunning pictures that keep going more and more inside until you close the window. It’s so simple but still pretty nice for time passing.

83. SnapBubbles

Website: http://snapbubbles.com/

Did you ever snap a bubble wrap? I bet you did. Even if you didn’t, bow you have an opportunity to do it. All you have to do is visit Snapbubbles.com and start snapping bubbles. Also, you can tell your friend about it so he can snap few as well. This is a serious shit you can perform in your spare time or whenever you want. 

84. Feed the Head

Website: http://feedthehead.net/

Feedthehead.net is a weird website. You can do awkward things with head, ears, eyes, etc. Your ultimate aim is erasing it completely. It may look simple but you need to play it smartly to win it. It’s an astounding brain game to play when you’re felling bore.

85. Bubble

Website: http://bubole.com/

Bubbole is a tremendous time passing website to squash bugs. It has 200 (approx) monster squash model so you can’t get a single chance to be bored. Also, if you can create your own bugs squash game from “create new bubole”. You will love the funny sound effects and typos too. In short, this is the best game you can play and finish quickly while doing fun.

86. Ball Droppings

Website: http://balldroppings.com/

Balldroppings.com is an amazing site for quick timepass. It’s simple but quite pleasing Javascript effect to do fun. Navigate to the website and draw a sqaure, traingle or other shapes and then you’ll hear the sound dropping the ball and it’ll change according to the shape.

87. Why Do You Stay Up So Late?

Website: http://www.bornmagazine.org/projects/whystayup/project.html

Why do you stay up so late? It’s a compilation of wonderful poems about it. It won’t bore you because it’s not a textual poem site rather it has built with smart looking flash animation. So, click on a different shape (or moving objects) to find a new line every time. 

88. The Infinite Oz

Website: http://www.webgeekly.com/design/the-infinite-oz-an-amazing-use-of-flash-sci-fi-imagery/

The Infinite OZ provides you a collection of flash animated words from nine renowned International artists. Enjoy splendid replacing Sci-fi worlds to kick out your tediousness.

89. Drum Machine

Website: onemotion.com/flash/drum-machine

Drum machine from Onemotion comes with pre-loaded music. It’s start playing with page loading instantly. I like its variety of sound. I am quite confident that you won’t leave quickly after opting on this website. 

90. FlightTradar24

Website: http://flightradar24.com/

What do you want to see? Plane or people? You can do it via Flightradar24.com. It gives you access to see all flights around the globe at present. Just click on any known or unknown airport for spying. You may be able to solve missing plane’s mystery.

91. Noooooooooooooo

Website: http://nooooooooooooooo.com/

Shouting is the possibly best method to lessen anger or stress. What if you have a bad day or demotivated and you want to scream louder, but you can’t do due to the environment. Then visit nooooooooooooooo.com, plug your headphone and press the blue button as long as you want. I hope it’ll help you a bit like me.

92. CreepyPasta

Website: http://creepypasta.com/

Creepypasta.com is a popular website on the web, and it’s neither boring nor weird. It compiles numerous from the internet to make a single story, and that’s why it’s absolutely unique and out if the box. You’ll find every story quite amazing. Trust my word and read it to know why am I telling you to spend some time here? 

93. Record Tripping

Website: http://recordtripping.com/

Bell Brothers own record Tripping. You can solve a series puzzle by scratching a record with your mouse scrolling. It’s a fantastic flash game along with elegant UI. Even though it’s kind of weird but worth to play.

94. Echogenesis

Website: https://www.crazygames.com/game/coign-of-vantage

Echogenesis is another excellent flash website by Bell Brothers. You can experiment with its five elements and sound as per your imagination.

95. Wikipedia

Website: https://www.wikipedia.org/

Well everyone knows what’s Wikipedia, right? A full-fledged source of knowledge and information on anything and everything. When you’re feeling bored and need a way to kill time, Wikipedia may come in pretty handy.. From history to modern age, mythical creatures to real life species of any lifeform in earth (well ALIENS too if you are interested), Science, Literature, basically any topic you wish to read/research on is available in Wikipedia. As a kid, I personally loved reading the Encyclopedia, well Wikipedia is just the Digital version of it.

96. Tapastic

Website: https://tapastic.com/

Feeling bored, than why not enjoy some webcomics. Tapastic is a webcomic site that has a wide variety of webcomic collection. You can not only read webcomics but also share, follow, and support the creators by purchasing their webcomics through premium store, to make the creators more motivated to create amazing works.Also the reader community here is lively and active. Tapastic has a Novel section too which is also filled with a lot of series ready to be discovered by you. So do visit Tapastic and discover your favorite webcomics.

97. Tumblr

Website: https://www.tumblr.com/

I’m sure you have heard of Tumblr on and off the web. Well, Tumblr is well known for its community and interesting contents that it offers. You will find blogs offering lots of interesting topics; browse through the collection of pictures to pass time with; search .gifs to make your social chats even more interesting. Aside from blogs, pictures, .gifs you will be amazed by its wide webcomic collection presenting different genres with even wider community.

95. Viral Viral Pictures

Website: http://viralviralpictures.com/

It’s my favorite website to find a viral photo and videos online. It has several categories to give me a joyful break. Also, you can submit a picture to share with its wide audience. I can guarantee you that even if you didn’t like a single site from above then all you need to open this website just once to find your desired place.

96. MineCraft

Website: https://classic.minecraft.net/

Minecraft is currently the planet’s most-sold game ever, with 176Million copies sold worldwide (source: Wikipedia). Minecraft also isn’t free. Even though it’s available for Android, iOS, Windows, XBox, Playstation and basically every other gaming platform it’s not free on any of them.

Why am I even explaining what Minecraft is? Even if you’ve never played it, I’m pretty sure you’ve atleast heard of the game, or else you’ve been living under a rock.

Anyway, the website listed above is a browser-version of the game, absolutely free. Now it’s noteworthy that normally Minecraft is a resource-demanding game. But, with this browser-version you get to play the game in your browsers even on a below-average PC.

No Signup, download or extension required. Simply visit the website and you can start right off. What’s more interesting than playing the world’s best selling game for free!

Obviously there are a few limitations, like you don’t get to fight enemies (ah brave warrior, another time). It’s primarily in the “creative” mode, you collect resources, craft, build and just feel like god. That’s about it.

97. A Good Movie To Watch

Website: https://agoodmovietowatch.com

Very few things on the planet today are more interesting than movies. That’s why they’re a combined trillion dollar business!

Well A Good Movie To Watch is a website which curates thousands of movies and helps you immediately find movies you may like.

But wait, it’s not just IMDb. For starters, the movies are curated by real humans and not an algorithm. Secondly, it mostly houses those movies here which really are impressive and engrossing but for some reasons couldn’t do well at the box office.

It shows you movies randomly, and you can skip a movie if you don’t like its synopsis and check the next random movie out. Although it does have a “Genre” filter so you can tell the platform which genres you’re primarily interested in.

It also can be used to find interesting shows. Users can either click on “The Latest” to find new additions, or on “Top Vouch” to find movies which have been vouched by the community as the best.

Note that it’s completely legal so you can’t watch the movies there, those you’ve to obtain via legal sources. It simply lists you what might be interesting to you.

98. Wait, but Why?

Website: https://waitbutwhy.com/

The title by itself is interest-generating, isn’t it? Well the website is primarily a blog of sort, a really popular one at that with over half a million subscribed readers. Quite a  large fraction of them also pay monthly, or donate to the website frequently. However, it’s completely free.

So the website just talks (or writes) about interesting stuff. Or in other words, the admin(s) is capable of making even the simplest topics interesting. For e.g. the last post I read was “It’s 2020 and you’re in the future“. Just the fact that we’re in the 2020 has been explained and elaborated in such a fun way that it’s no less than watching a movie.

It also hosts a number of unique photographs (and skills), series blog-posts about life, death, existence and just about everything else. There’s politics, Biology, Chemistry and everything else discussed in really not-boring ways.

Also, each blog posts seems really passionate. It may or may not be very scientifically correct, but the team does spend a ton of time designing graphs, heatmaps, charts, stick figures and other such elements to keep the post interesting and easy to understand.

Posts such as “Which drugs should be legal“, designing a child and what not is available. All in all, if reading is interesting to you, this platform has a lot of interesting things to read about.

99. Akinator

Website: https://en.akinator.com/

An amazing website which kills time, and surprises you at the same time. It’s supposed to be a “magical” website. You’re asked to think of one of three things at the start of the game, which can be a character, an animal or an object.

The website then leads us through a number of questions. For e.g. you need to answer if your character is real, its gender, his/her hair colour and other such personal details.

There are around 30 questions, maybe more. The website interface might be a bit clumsy, but once you’ve answered the questions it’s quite creepy how the A.I almost always comes up with a correct answer. I thought of the “Flash”, and that’s exactly what Akinator guessed, so creepy? Yeah.

100. Pixel Thoughts

Website: http://www.pixelthoughts.co/

So you’re bored? Nothing cures boredom as well as mediation (or so they say, someone does I’m sure). This website asks you to enter a word. Something that’s troubling you. You can even enter anything random.

Once done, the website plays really soothing instrumental music in the background. A star-studded background (literally) moves in animation. The word you wrote is embed on a sun-like circle. The circle becomes smaller with each passing second. The website keeps displaying motivational information/sentences on the top.

It’s a 60-second process. At the end of the 60-seconds, you’ll feel less-bored in the least that’s for sure. Unfortunately, the messages are identical no matter how many times you play the game/meditate. So it’s fun the first couple times but then not so much.

101. Cribbage

Website: Cribbage-Online.net

Interested in a classic card game challenge? Play Cribbage without all the hassle of cards and the wooden board. The game remains relatively the same since its creation in the 17th century, and continues to bring joy to players all over the world.

The classic card game is played by combining card variations to score on a wooden board. It is normally played with 2-4 players, however, Cribbage Online features single player mode with an easy, standard, and pro mode.

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I hope you must have liked this exclusive list of top 100 best and most interesting websites to kill some time off. It is always good to take some time out of your busy and boring schedule and do something interesting instead. If you have other ideas for such websites then you can check them out too.Are you the one who is completely done with social media and outrageous crazy posts that is an everyday thing on these sites? Well, I think you should check out some most interesting websites which can help you to discover something which you have never seen before.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..