25 Best Subreddits for Men


Reddit is by far one of the most popular platform for bringing together a community of like-minded people over a variety of subjects. There are like thousands of Subreddits available to subscribe on Reddit but today we are going to talk about the best Subreddits for men only.

There are plenty of subjects over which men can talk or rather they should talk. From their clothing trends to their rights, Reddit becomes a platform where you can discuss it all and I think there are still people who have no clue about it. In such condition, this section is surely going to help you out.

Top 25 Subreddits for Men

So, of course, rather than picking some random communities/Subreddits, I decided to pick those types of best Subreddits for men which are actually useful. These are also the top followed Subreddits with over at least 100k subscribers so you get to interact with a lot of amazing people on them.

1. /r/malefashionadvice – Male Fashion Advice

Of course, I had to pick a men’s fashion Subreddit on top because to be true this is what trending the most. With over 1 million subscribers, this is a really large and effective community to join for men on Reddit. In fact, contrary to your belief, this community helps men to develop their own style rather than following someone blindly.

Apart from learning a thing or two from this subreddit, you can always contribute to their content too so that other people can learn from you.

2. /r/fitness – Fitness

Another important part of living a healthy life is to focus on fitness which most men prefer to skip. But all thanks to such best Subreddits for men that you finally have a chance to improve your day to day lifestyle. You can find discussion related to physical fitness goals and how you can achieve them.

The community is very active and you can find new posts in every hour. Apart from finding out about effective fitness routine, you can also talk about the myths related to the process too.

3. /r/memes – Memes

I don’t think I even need to elaborate this addition to the list of best Subreddits for men at all. This community is one of the most followed subreddit available on the Reddit platform and it promotes content in form of images only.

So, if you are thinking that your life is totally deprived of some funny content in it then I think you should definitely subscribe to this subreddit that too quickly. I am sure this subreddit won’t disappoint you at all.

4. /r/gaming – Gaming

This is the kind of subreddit which is just perfect for die-hard gamers. It features content related to video games, board games, card games etc. This subreddit does not feature anything related to any kind of sports.

It is by far the largest gaming subreddit you can find with a variety of content on it. You can find small gaming clips, memes over gaming, new game updates, recommendations, discussions and much more. With over 18 million subscribers on it, this subreddit is surely worth exploring.

5. /r/music – Music

Who does not like music and that is why I thought of do not specify this community under this certain category of best Subreddits for men. Any music lover should definitely subscribe to this growing subreddit which has over 17 million subscribers already.

You can find amazing music recommendations on this subreddit including their videos too. There are plenty of songs which hails from different genres which I am sure you would definitely like to have a look at if you are crazy about music.

6. /r/worldnews – World News

A man must remain updated with all sorts of happening around him and this is why I mentioned this community named World News amongst the best Subreddits for men. This subreddit brings you all sorts of news from across the world except US internal news.

You are not going to find anything unauthentic or fake on this subreddit and in order to maintain the flow, they have avoided images and videos too. So, if you wish to know about news related to finance, politics, sports etc. you can subscribe to this subreddit.

7. /r/GetMotivated – Get Motivated

Get Motivated is counted amongst the top Subreddits for guys. In this hectic lifestyle, you surely need some words of wisdom in order to cop up with the stress hovering over.

And for this, I think you should definitely subscribe to this subreddit option. This community is helping people to receive motivation through SMS, AMAs, music, videos, text, pictures and much more. You can also interact with people struggling with similar issues and find the best ways to figure out about your struggles in life.

8. /r/personalfinance – Personal Finance

All of the things are on their place but practicality comes first. This is the reason I had to mention such kind of best Subreddits for men which can help them in taking better decisions in their life.

Personal finance is a community on Reddit having more than 13 million subscribers. It tells about opting for better options when it comes to savings, making budgets, credit card options, financial management, investments and much more. This is basically like getting the best advice on putting your money to the best use.

9. /r/Keto – Keto

For all those people who are probably living under a rock, Keto is a popularly trending diet routine which has become an important part of a fitness schedule of many people. This is why I mentioned it amongst the best Subreddits for men.

The Ketogenic Diet is a low carb, high-fat diet and this subreddit brings every possible information related to this diet for you. The thoughts, ideas, the experience of real people and every single myth related to this diet is busted here and I am really sure you would love to discuss your diet queries here.

10. /r/funny – Funny

Who does not want to share a laugh in this hard-hitting reality and this is why you should definitely follow this subreddit called funny. It is a community of almost 20 million people who share everything and anything possible to make other people laugh.

This is by far one of the most humorous and best Subreddits for men where you can find funny posts, videos, pictures, jokes, memes, GIFs and much more which are so funny that you will probably won’t be able to stop laughing.

11. /r/MensRights – Men’s Rights

I am sure you would have come across enough content on feminism but I think being a man, it is the time to look into men’s rights too. So, this is definitely one of the most useful and best Subreddits for men where you can discuss anything about men’s rights.

From very legal issues to knowing about the general rights of men in various sectors like the workplace, public places, social gatherings and much more. In fact, this community addresses to various serious issues related to men too.

12. /r/AskMen – Ask Men

There is a popular subreddit available on Reddit called Ask Women so I thought that why should women be the only one having a community. So, here comes this community dedicated for men called Ask Men.

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It is up to you that how do you want to use this platform in order to make most of it. You can literally ask anything on it like dating advise, life-related queries, work issues, personal problems, career guidance and much more. This is definitely one of the best Subreddits for men to follow.

13. /r/malehairadvice – Male Hair Advice

Why should women be the only one grooming themselves, men should also have a platform where they can talk about such grooming things. So, we have this Reddit male hair advice community where you can ask lots and lots questions related to your hair care.

In fact, you can also ask about different hairstyles, hair coloring, products, care tips and much more. You can also post pictures of your hair makeovers and different experience and experiments you have had with your hairs.

14. /r/LifeProTips – Life Pro Tips

To be true, this is by far the most engaging and interesting subreddit I found. In fact, it is not only worth of being included in this category of best Subreddits for men but also for every single person who is in need of some really cool life hacks.

Life Pro Tips is a community of over 14 million people who are here to help you in various areas of your life. Their tips are interesting and helps you in dealing with everyday life issues.

15. /r/woahdude – Woah Dude

If you want to see some of the most mind-boggling things on the internet then you should definitely follow this subreddit called Woah Dude. First of all, the theme of this community is super attractive and they have maintained it really well.

The kind of content you can find on this community is related to some of the most iconic things people have experienced or seen. People share various content in form of images, videos, audios, which are awesome enough to let you say “Woah Dude”.

16. /r/showerthoughts – Shower Thoughts

We all would have to agree on this fact that some of the wildest and craziest thoughts ever come to our mind are when we are taking a shower. Of course, we seldom share them with anyone because definitely they just sound so weird.

But I have brought you such best Subreddits for men where you can share such thoughts and get to know about what other people think when they take a shower. You can bare your heart out here and trust me this might get weird at some point but eventually it is all fun.

17. /r/relationships – Relationships

Many times it happens that we are not able to discuss anything about our personal life with anyone especially when it comes to our love life. This is why you are supposed to follow such best Subreddits for men which can bring you some piece of advice.

Relationships is one such subreddit where you can ask questions about your relationships and get to know about other people’s opinions on different such aspects too. This can be a great way to sort out issues you are having in your relationships.

18. /r/todayilearned – Today I Learned

Moving on with the category of best Subreddits for men, I found one interesting option here. This community is known as Today I Learned where you can get to know about some of the craziest facts related to multiple things.

With a prefix, TIL people post many of such facts on this community page along with the link of source from where they got to know about it. This is definitely a kind of subreddit you should subscribe to in order to increase your knowledge.

19. /r/travel – Travel

Every men is restricted with the amount of money he has in order to travel the world. But by following such best Subreddits for men, you can explore great place just by sitting in your room.

This community is all about finding out the most exotic and travel-worthy locations in the world. You can also find various pictures and videos of those places and you can also ask any of your queries related to your trips and journeys to somewhere new.

20. /r/DIY – Do It Yourself (DIY)

People generally typecast DIY as a subject for women only but it is completely wrong. Men should also get to know about some DIY tricks and tips which can be really helpful in case of emergencies or serious situations.

This DIY community is something which can also turn out to be Reddit men’s haircuts solution, clothing solution, everyday life hacks, fixing things, improving home, building stuff and much more. This community of about 14 million people is something which can be a life-changing help for you.

21. /r/beards – Beards

One of the most prized possession of a man these days is his beards and I think being a man you should definitely follow a community which can bring all sorts of information related to this topic. This is a fast growing community which brings together various beard growing and grooming tips, makeover pictures, transformations and much more for you.

The major content of this subreddit is derived through the pictures posted by various man of their unique beards and how they take care of them.

22. /r/sneakers – Sneakers

Men are as crazy about sneakers as they are for beard and this is why I thought of mentioning Sneakers as one of the best Subreddits for men as it brings all sorts of information regarding men’s sneakers.

So, this subreddit brings down everything about sneakers whether it is new launches from popular brands, attractive limited edition sneakers, iconic pieces of creativity and much more. Most of the content can be seen in form of various pictures of sneakers which are actually quite trendy and stylish.

23. /r/malelivingspace – Male Living Space

Men and women both lead very different lifestyles and hence their living spaces are also quite different from each other. This community is one such example of best Subreddits for men which talks about improving the living space of males.

It can be their garage, bungalows, bedrooms, apartments, offices and much more. This subreddit brings together all sorts of idea which can be put together in order to bring out that manly essence of a space and this also includes doing some DIY work too.

24. /r/socialskills – Social Skills

One of the most important part of a man’s life is being social enough to interact with people around them. In fact, this subreddit is not only for men but women too.

These are the kind of best Subreddits for men which helps in improving their skills of social interactions and conversations. You can ask for advice here and can also participate in active discussions too. This community is a great place to give you encouragement which boosts up your confidence.

25. /r/everymanshouldknow – Every Man Should Know (EMSK)

Every Man Should Know is popularly known as EMSK which is a community providing every kind of information which should be known to a man. So, basically, you can consider it to be one of the clothing Subreddits, lifestyle, personal, professional and all type of subreddits included in one.

From fashion to everyday life problems, you can get a piece of advice and information on all sort of things related to a man’s life.


On the basis of a lot of aspects like hair advice, clothing styles, peace of mind, financial advice, personal skills and a lot more, I tried to figure out about these Subreddits here. So, of course, I have chosen only the best Subreddits for men here so that you guys can get to discuss over a lot of aspects of your life.

Make sure you have a Reddit account before you start any further process and then do not forget to get subscribed to the above-mentioned communities for sure.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..