10 Books like Girl on the Train


You can call them next Gone Girl books or even a different world, but books like Girl on the Train never ceases to amaze people. Every time you turn a page there is a new suspense lying out there and trust me solving them on your own without author’s help can be quite tricky.

Top 10 Books like Girl on the Train

Thank god, we got this amazing collection of such psychological thriller who finally find the suspense out in the end. Here in this section, I am going to list out some amazing alternative books Girl on the Train and trust me you are going to go crazy with so much of suspense and thrill in them. So, good luck because it is the time to spin your head a little.

1. The Good Girl by Mary Kubica

The Good Girl is the debut novel of author Mary Kubica and you cannot believe that someone’s debut work can get such a critical acclaim. This is worth listing out first on the list of books like Girl on the Train because of the epic suspense and little thrills that it has within.

Released in 2014, the book is a compilation of 352 pages and it can be bought from Amazon on great price.

The novel tells the spine-chilling suspense story of Mia Dennett. One day she visits a bar to meet her on and off boyfriend but when he doesn’t show up, she finds a stranger Colin Thatcher for one-night stand. Seems like a normal guy, Colin turn out to be the worst mistake of Mia’s life.

The novel shares such exclusive details of the protagonist’s life and the people around her that you would start doubting your life. How a family who seems normal hides so many secrets that it will surely leave you speechless. The Good Girl is the best read under suspense and thrilling novels.

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2. The Widow by Fiona Barton

The Widow is a fictional and suspense drama released in 2016. You would really have to dedicate some quality time on The Widow as it is quite engrossing and consisted of about 500 pages. Still, every minute is worth devoting as The Widow is really a powerful dose of thrill and suspense which makes it similar to the rest of the books like Girl on the Train in this section.

The story revolves around a woman named Jean Taylor and her deceased husband who abducted a girl and then died just a week ago.

Jean being a good widow that she is, cooperating police and telling what she knows but the questions is that, does Jean really doesn’t know anything? Jean’s husband actually killed a girl or there was something more about it which was not told to police.

A murder mystery and Fiona’s experience while working as a journalist are the key elements of this books. Moreover, there are more Girl on the Train books on Amazon but this one becomes a must to read.

3. All the Missing Girls by Megan Miranda

All the Missing Girls is amongst those books like the Girl on the Train which clearly seems to strike the chord with the later one very well. You are going to see the plot similar to Luckiest Girl Alive too but let me tell you the book has something unique to offer you too.

You won’t even realize biting your nails while reading it because Megan Miranda has literally incorporated something amazing in the 384 pages.

All the Missing Girls tells the story of two young girls being disappeared a decade apart which is told in reverse. Firstly, the books tells about the disappearance of Corinne which took place ten years ago. Now her best friend Nicolette Farrell is digging into it again that what actually happened.

Before she could find out her young neighbor Annaleise disappears too just like Corinne and things get really spooky now. Narrated from Day 15 to Day 1, the book discloses one secrete at a time which keeps the pace balanced yet horrifying.

4. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

There are so many books like Girl on the Train on Amazon but no one can ever replace the magic of Gone Girl. I am sure the list of suspense and psychological thrillers can never get completed without mentioning the star novel of 2012, Gone Girl.

Gone Girl is a New York Times Best Seller and talks about the suspense story of the sudden disappearance of renowned author Amy Dunn.

Nick Dunne and Amy Dunn seem to be a happy couple but nobody knew what was running in Amy’s mind after figuring out about her husband’s extra martial affair. But one day, Amy suddenly disappears and leaves behind a diary of her and a crime scene clearly showing her forceful abduction.

But the truth is way more than it seems. The reality behind her disappearance is nothing what seems to be projected and this is what creates a great suspense story. Gone Girl is the best novel in this list of books like Girl on the Train.

5. After You by Jojo Moyes

After You is quite an emotional book which got released in 2015 but trust me the way thrill enters into the story of this book, you are going to be really shocked with it. The book is second in the series of Me Before You and take forward the story of Louisa Clark in it.

For everyone who was wondering about what would happen with Louisa and her family, After You is an answer for them all.

Louisa, who spent six months with Will Traynor is now struggling without him. She starts going to a church’s basement to meet Moving On Support Group members and life leads her to Sam Fielding. Just when she thought that someone can understand her, a figure from Will’s past overpowers her life and leads her to something different.

After You is surely something which is exceptional to include in the list of books like Girl on the Train.

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6. The Silent Wife by A. S. A. Harrison

In the list of alternative books like Girl on the Train, The Silent Wife makes the next entry. This is such a psychological thriller which will surely send chills down your spine. Released in 2013 the book has essence of suspense, mystery and thrill which keeps it entertaining till the end.

The book is about a marriage and tells about the extend up to which a woman can go to claim what is her.

The main characters of this book are Todd Gilbert and Jodie Brett who are going through a really bad marriage. It has been 28 years of their togetherness and with no kids. Todd being a cheater and Jodie has had enough of it but things go out of hands when Todd make Natasha, his best friend’s daughter pregnant.

Now, Jodie wants him back in his life and sets on a journey to recognize her true capabilities. This books puts other books like Girl on the Train to shame with its every changing plot and great twists.

7. Finding Jake by Bryan Reardon

Finding Jake is a psychological suspense work by Bryan Reardon released in 2015. It took Bryan quite some time to work on Finding Jake and trust me everything and every time that he dedicated turned out to be extremely exceptional.

Being a great pick under the list of books like Girl on the Train, Finding Jake is a confrontation of a father about the things he knows and doesn’t know about his son.

The main character of this story is Simon Connolly who takes care of his kids Jake and Laney while her successful wife goes to her law office each day. One day, after the shooting at his kids’ school, his son Jake goes missing and this is the point from where all the suspense and past experience of Simon unfolds.

Brilliantly packed in a package, Finding Jake unfolds one secret at a time and surely wrenched heart of every reader.

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8. The Secret Place by Tana French

Amongst the Girl on the Train books on Amazon, one that I found worth listing is The Secret Place by author Tana French which released in 2014. This is a suspense and mystery novel which is set in Ireland and the book was named amongst the five best thrillers of 2014.

The main settings of the book takes place in St. Kilda’s boarding school in Dublin. The entire book mingles between the point of views of two prime people in it who are detective Stephen Moran and student Holly Mackey.

The story starts with eight main characters who are teenage girls and the murder of student Chris Harper on the school ground. After a year, 16 years old Holly provides some information to Moran which is a picture of Chris and a statement “I know who killed him” which was posted on school’s bulletin board called The Secret Place.

Now, the journey kicks off of detective Moran and Antoinette Conway to discover and investigate about the case from a new point.

9. The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

The Woman in Cabin 10 is a book which is strictly not for the claustrophobic people. The urgency to set free and the pain of being bound to something which is not known are the things that keep the story and its characters together in this book.

The Woman in Cabin 10 was released in 2016 and Ruth Ware has created something with words which is so hard to ignore and not to think about over and over again.

Books like Girl on the Train list could never be completed without this literature marvel for sure. It tells the story about a woman Lo Blacklock who is a journalist for travel magazine. One day she is offered a week on luxury cruise for a travel editorial and this is when her life takes a turn.

A case of hallucination about someone or a secret that everyone is hiding? This question keeps on knocking on your mind once you get to the middle of this book. Quite similar to Paula Hawkins’ work, The Woman in Cabin 10 is too much to take in.

10. Unravel by Calia Read

The last one in this section of books like Girl on the Train is Unravel. The book is engrossing that it will compel you to rethink about your own existence and that whether everything around is real or not. Approaching the mature audience, Unravel is something which is way heavier than Gone Girl itself.

It was published in 2014 and consisted of 324 pages and every word is written in a way that it give spark to thousands of questions.

The story focuses on Naomi Carradine who was doing great until she came back to her home after college. Naomi moves in with her best friend Lana and one night in Lana’s party she meets a sexy stockbroker Max. She cannot resist herself in front of his charm but one kiss with Max costed Naomi her entire life.

From doing great to being admitted in a psych war, Naomi still cannot figure out what is real and what is fake and people are considering her insane. Amongst all the books like Girl on the Train on Amazon I found Unravel to be most thrilling than all.

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I would advise you to keep on changing the genre of books because they are too much to take one after the other. Complete a book each month and I am sure by the end of the year you would literally turn into a detective for sure.

As Paula Hawkins did amazing with the book, other books like Girl on the Train surely brings applaud for their respective authors too. Some of them are even way engaging than the Hawkins’s book. If you have a thing for solving mysteries then I am sure you are gonna fall in love with these literature pieces for sure.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..