On Page Seo Techniques You Should Implement In 2017


On Page Seo Techniques: Are you a blogger? Or thinking of starting blog? In both the cases you would like to have traffic on your blog.

Organic traffic is more stable in all the means of website traffic. To get organic traffic on your blog, you would need to understand SEO. Both aspects of seo- On page and off page are equally vital to rank in SERP. After frequent algorithm updates in the Google, the on- page part has become more tricky. By implementing on page SEO properly, you can drive the more targeted audience to your post without having backlinks pointing to the post.

on page seo technique

You would surely want to make it easier for Google to understand what your targeted keyword is.

If yes, stay with me until the end to learn those on page SEO techniques you should implement on your post to rank it on the first page of Google search engine.

In this post, I am focusing on the highly effective on page SEO techniques to implement on your post to make them rank higher and readily available to your audience.

But first you should know the importance of on page SEO techniques

Why do you need to implement on page SEO techniques?

As I said earlier on page SEO techniques, help you to make your post search friendly to Google and make it easier to able to detect the right keyword for your post to rank it.

For example, if you write about SEO techniques and when someone searches for it, you can see the keyword SEO technique in most of the higher-ranking posts.

The chances are the user will not move on to the second page and instead choose to read one of the top 5 posts. While Google is giving more than 1000 relevant searches, it is our mindset which says that what is on the first page is the best and most relevant Thus, click on that one.

The effective on page SEO techniques assist you to bring your article on that first page so that the audience can reach to your content. It also increases CTR of the specific post.

Now, when you know how important the on page SEO techniques are now, we can begin to learn how to work them out in our favor.

1). Site Speed

Google has publically confirmed that page loading speed is one of the few ranking optimization that Google site crawler use in the algorithms to determine the SEO of page. Google has said that they want to make web loading faster which means giving more attention to faster loading pages.

According to study, 47% of your target audience expects your site page to get the load in two seconds or less. And Munchweb has found that 75% of users don’t like to visit a site that takes long to load.

Your website page should load within 3 seconds to the maximum, or your conversion rates could drop in the long term. You can check your site speed on Pingdom.


If your site is slow, it will help you to understand better what you would need to fix. Other than that you could also try to boost your site speed by using CDN, compressing your site images and having a faster hosting for your site.

2). URL optimization

URL is the address of your webpage. You would need them to be clear, exact to the point and yes, keyword rich. But it depends on upon your targeted audience and your type of content which decide what kind of URL your post should have. Some believe it to be short and clear while some like to keep it long. Some also use the permalink which has the whole title of the post as URL, and even some recommend using a date in the URL so the user could be able to know when it was published.


Some of the on page SEO techniques to keep in mind when making a URL to your post are that to keep your main keyword foremost in the URL as much as possible. As there is not any set example of URL optimization, you can structure your URL on the base of how your competitors are already structuring it. But do keep in mind, not to touch the old links; as if you modify them they will create dead links over the internet as your old URL will not work and if anyone tries to open your link with that one. That will bring them the error page which is dissatisfying to your audience and can drop future conversion as well.

3). Title Optimization

The title is the heading of your page. It shows what the post is about, what is the topic that is covered in the article just like the title of any story in the book it tells the user about what to expect from that page.

Google puts weight on the most forward title which shows the exact relation to the keywords of the topic. Always try to keep your keyword at the beginning of a title. It helps the Google site crawlers to find the most relevant keyword easily in your post and rank it according to that.

As you can see the top ranking page has their keyword in the beginning part of the title as Google only shows till 60 characters of title after that it cuts of!. You need to make your keyword rich title so that the user can look at your title without breaking.

4). Meta tags

You had heard a lot about Meta tags but do you still take them as a priority after the new algorithms launched of Google? Over the years as the internet users are becoming smart, the importance of Meta tags also increased. They play a major role in keyword density which in return helps to boost the ranking of your page. The two Meta tags to consider in on page SEO techniques are Meta keyword and Meta description

1). Meta Keyword

Meta keyword is your main keyword on which your post is revolving around, and Google pays the attention to where it appears in your post while searching. You should include your keyword in the first paragraph or first 100 words of your page to boost the keyword density. As earlier it appears on your site the more important and relevant your post is to it according to the Google.

2). Meta Description

If simply stated Meta description is the small, only 160 characters long summary of your page. So make it keyword rich, stick to the post and direct overview of what are you covering in your post.


As you can see your Meta description is what shows below your post title and permalink/ URL. Google and other search engines use it to understand what your post is about and the exact target audience for which it should be shown.

Also, the user read your Meta description to decide whether to click it or skip it. Thus, keep it user-friendly also to get more Click Through Rate (CTR).

5). Content optimization

Like you, all may know the saying in the blogging that ‘Content Is the King.’

  1. Unique content
  2. Quality and quantity
  3. Freshness of content

This is not a joke. In the past years, Google joined a new algorithm in their core algorithms namely Google Panda. Now you agree with me (obviously, those persons who know that what is about Google Panda algorithm). Those who don’t know about it just take a look at my explanation.

Google Panda is an algorithm, in which the importance of the content is too much. The quality, as well as the quantity of your content on the web page, is now checked by the Search Engine giant Google, so, this time, you have to be very careful with the written content on your web page.

This algorithm is more likely to hurt those pages which do not have the quality of content such as the grammatical errors are there, or some keywords are too much. By this, you can think that how important On Page SEO technique this is.

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6). Internal linking

Some of the SEO thinks that this on page SEO technique is not much useful in 2016, but guys remember old is gold. Yes, you heard it right that the interlinking of web pages is still useful.

First, just understand what the interlinking means is. You guys already had seen many websites where the content is written in the form “also seen this” or “read more”. This is only known as internal linking of web pages.

When you put these kinds of words in the paragraph, then it means that you want to show something more to the user, and these words are linked to other pages of your websites.  What this technique did with your site is, it distribute the page rank of the main page in the sub pages which are interlinked together. Hence, the page authority will increase simultaneously for whole the website.

7). Video integration

I hope you guys already know that how important are the visuals for a web page. The video integration is also a good on page SEO technique for 2016. Also, the best thing about the video integration is that you don’t need to write too much on the web page, and a video will give a good experience to the users.

This technique is simply useful for the bloggers, who use this kind of post “how to use something”. When you are trying to explain something to the users, then you should choose the video for this because by the video users had a great experience and they will surely return to your blog many times. Hence, traffic on your blog will increase gradually as well as bounce reduces by the video content on the post.

8). Image SEO

Image optimization is useful because it will provide an extra link to your web page because you can use your keyword within images that helps Google to understand your site content.

As a better image optimization practice, you should use the keyword rich title for images. Along with the title optimization, use the alt text for the images. It helps Google to understand the images within your content.

Moreover, take care of the size of the image. Choose the right dimensions according to your blog or site layout.

9). Long tail keyword

As the name suggest, a keyword having more than 2 words. The LT keywords have more length the generic keyword (e.g. SEO).

For example, look at the title of this post. It is “on page SEO techniques you should implement in 2016”, here on page SEO techniques is one keyword.  This one is the best example of long tail keyword.

Long tail keywords are my favorite because it gives my blog posts a natural boost for ranking. I need to create fewer backlinks due to the low competition for the long tail keywords.

You should use the long tail keyword instead of head keywords like wordpress, seo, etc. They are really hard to rank and gives less conversion. LT keyword shows the clear intention of the searcher that you can’t imagine with the head keyword.

For example, I just logon to Google and search for “iPhone store”. Is it revealing my intention. You can’t conclude whether I am asking the address of the iPhone store or I have some different intention.

Now, with the long tail keyword- How to open an iPhone store. Now intention is clear. Easy to understand and can write a quality post.

It’s just an example. Your keyword will co-relate to your industry. Thus, you can use Long tail keyword for easy ranking in the Google.

10). Mobile Friendly Page

According to different research, it is found that many websites traffic is generated by mobile users across the globe. When the big screen phones start to come in the market, the logic behind these phones is to make a phone on which users can have a good graphical experience.

This thought makes a revolution on the internet because now users don’t depend on their laptops for using the internet. Instead of this they simply use their smartphone for internet surfing. Studies say that mobile friendly websites had more visitors than those websites which had only pc screen friendly web pages.

In this very fast world no one has the time that to open their laptops and start searching for information, they simply can use their mobile phones for this purpose. So this is also a very useful on page SEO techniques.

11). Keywords Density for the Web Page

A very useful on page SEO technique is the keyword density. Search Engine Giant Google said that there should not more than 1% keyword density on a single web page. A well experienced SEO knows that how important is this to follow the Google. Obviously search engines are the crawlers so they had the right to give their guidelines.

You need to follow these guidelines strictly. Even you don’t have any choice other than following their instructions. The 1% keyword stuffing is simply means that your keyword is about to come 1% time to your whole content. Suppose that your web page contains 400 words then your main keyword is acceptable 4 times on whole page. It accepts as a good practice of using keywords within blog content. Always place keywords naturally to attain a decent flow to words. Don’t be pushy. Don’t stuff content with keyword in the hope of fast ranking.

12). Keyword Generation

A simple phenomenon said that when you did something first time in the world then you are more popular than others peoples whose work is only to follow your invention. You always remember first if you create something. This phenomenon can be used as on page SEO technique.

What you need to do is just analyze the market around your topic. Search Google, Wikipedia etc. to know that which keyword has the highest density at present, then by showing your own creativity and changing little bit in the keyword you can create your own keyword.

For example if you want to write on “on page SEO techniques” then search the best keywords at present, when you find that the topic itself is a keyword then you can create your own keyword by just adding numbers to it such as “5 on page SEO techniques in 2016”. Once this keyword is successfully generated or crawled by search engines then whenever users search this keyword you will be on the top.

13). Use Google Adwords to Make a Keyword

Google ad world is a thing where a company gives money to the search engine, so that company’s website is on top always. Whenever users type the related words to the company, then he finds the companies name on top.

What you need to do is find such kind of advertisement (obviously there is a sign by which you can identify which is an advertisement and which is not) then the next thing you need to do is – create a keyword which is related to the company advertisement. Hence, after the advertisement, you will find your place every time.

14). Eradicate Broken Links

Broken links create the 404 pages to your website. Well, a number of 404 pages don’t affect the seo of your site. However, they can waster the link juice that can be used to rank a webpage easily.

There are many tools to find out the broken links in any website. Just list all the broken links and redirect them to the home page in case you don’t have relevant content for redirection. If you have got the related piece of content, simple redirect that 404 page to a new url. Thus, you can save the link juice for your website and can offer better user experience. Whenever readers will come to those broken links, they will find the relevant information.

15). External Links

This is also a good on page SEO technique like internal links. The external links mean that your web page is linked to other web pages of the same type of content. Understand this with an example, suppose you go to the mall and find a shop to buy your clothes. You ask for some specific types of clothes which are not present in the shop, and then you ask the shopkeeper where I can find this kind of clothes. Then shopkeeper will tell you another shop whose owner is a friend of him.

So this creates a link between two shopkeepers, whenever they don’t have something they will refer to each other. In the same, way you can create external links with some website whose content is same as yours. If you don’t want this mutual relation, then you can do this by your side only.

Final Words:

At this present time, it is very necessary to use SEO for your website. Well if you don’t want to waste money on a professional then you can do it by yourself. What you need to do is just do a little bit research on SEO before publishing a post or the content on your web page. Hence, this post “on page SEO techniques you should implement in 2017” can be useful for you. Even this post is also useful for the professional who are looking for the latest on the on page SEO techniques.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..