Warez Host Review – DMCA Ignored and Offshore Located Server


This entire project is Dedicated to Anonymous Offshore Hosting solutions, and today we’ve got yet another platform for you guys to peek at in this Warez Host review.

Having gone through quite a few companies so far, we’ve got a neat idea of what we as researchers and you as users seek for in one such company.

For those who’re new to the whole Offshore hosting thing, let me just say that “Warez” means pirated software. Hence the name of the company hints a bit at the fact that it may provide a bit more liberty with its content than other companies.

Throughout this review, we’d answer the following questions:

Warez Host Quick Overview

Before getting into the nitty-gritty details of this Warez Host review, here’s an overview of all the primary features offered by the company:

Buy Your DMCA Ignored Host

Is Warez Host Anonymous?

The two points of “anonymity-violation” with a hosting company are generally its “Registration” and “Payment”.

If a company doesn’t ask for personally-identifiable data at the time of registrations, and can’t track the payments there’s little chance of a person’s identity being compromised.

I went through Warez Host’s Privacy Policy, and it does mention collecting personally-identifiable information such as Name, Address, Mailing-Address etc. Documents too may be requested for Credit card purchases.

Also the information has to be real and they don’t allow anonymous registrations.

Moreover, the company isn’t exactly “confidential”, as it openly agrees to sharing the information with business partners and other third-parties (the reasons may be legit, but it does share). Complete co-operation with law enforcement agencies too has been stated in its Privacy Policy.

The user IP addresses are logged right from the time of registration!

As for payment, it accepts both Fiat as well as Crypto which does make atleast this aspect somewhat anonymous.

Although you can refer to our BulletProofWeb review or webcare360 review both of these companies offer extreme anonymity.

Which Server Locations are Available with Warez Host?

The company mentions multiple times on its Homepage as being – Excellent Offshore Web Hosting Provider.

This naturally implies it should have servers at desirable offshore locations, which it apparently does.

Currently, it’s offering servers from:

  • Netherlands, Bulgaria, Russia, Sweden

Netherland’s Digital laws are one of the most liberal on the planet, followed by Sweden. Russia and Bulgaria are pretty desirable as well considering how they aren’t exactly U.S-fans and most conservative laws do not apply in these countries.

Moreover, more countries mean more content-choices for users, if your content is illegal/controversial in one country it probably can be hosted in another.

And then there’s the added benefit of being able to cater to a global audience. Depending on which part of the globe we’re targeting, a suitable server can be chosen for best performance.

Get Your Offshore Located Server

What Content is NOT Allowed on Warez Host? (AUP)

The company, like most other similar companies has a statement in its AUP saying it may only be used for “lawful purposes”.

What content is or isn’t allowed on the servers depends on the type of server being used. However the following is prohibited throughout all the servers:

  • Child Porn, Phishing / Hacking, DDoS attacks, Money Laundering/ Fraud, Terrorism, SIP Scanners, Proxy scripts etc.

Video streaming sites” aren’t allowed on Shared servers but can be hosted on the other servers.

We didn’t quite find “Copyrighted content” or Warez anywhere in its “prohibited list”, so we contacted them manually.

We confirmed it with their support-staff that DMCA complaints are indeed ignored, unless there’s a court-order supporting the same.

Similarly, Warez too is allowed (although it may have limitations) especially content such as Cracked software and License-keys  may be hosted with the company.

In a nutshell, the AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) isn’t too harsh and is pretty liberal. Hence unless you’re doing something completely illegal (which you shouldn’t), it probably will allow the use of its servers.

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Their support-team also let us know that the laws which apply on the content are server-country specific, so laws of the country where a server is housed are applied on the content hosted on those servers.

How Can You Pay Warez Host?

The company as mentioned in the earlier sections of this Warez Host review accepts payments both in Fiat, as well as Cryptocurrencies.

Payments are accepted via a number of ways, if you’d like to go down the traditional route you can pay using:

  • 2CO
  • PayPal
  • Cards
  • Wire Transfers.
  • Payza
  • Perfect Money
  • WebMoney
  • Skrill

While if you’d like to keep your payments anonymous, it accepts Crypto payments in:

  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash.

Get Your Offshore Server With Bitcoin

How is Warez Host Server Performance?

To determine just that, we’d perform a Page load-time Test, a Server-Response time (SRT) test as well as a SRT test with added traffic.

  • Page Load-Time Test

We’d start off with the page load-time test. This should give us a rough idea of the time required for a page to load on Warez Host servers.

We’d test the company’s homepage for this purpose (we confirmed it’s hosted on their private servers).

The best result we obtained was from Germany and the page only required 921ms to be loaded fully. (Verify result).

London too had an impressive load-time of 1.57 seconds. Other locations however such as USA and Australia had 3.56 s and 9.06 second requirements respectively.

Although note, these results are completely dependent upon the location of the test, time of the test and more importantly on the individual website being tested.

These would vary for each website, so let’s get some more tests done to get a more uniform idea of the server’s performance.

  • Server Response Time

Server Response Time basically effects the page load-time test of the website in a pretty big way. (We’ve explained it in our other reviews, for e.g. read our Lolek Hosted review, Webcare360 Hosting, Shinjiru Review, Mivocloud review.

It also can be used to establish if a server is really slow (or fast), or the load-time was just majorly effected by the site’s content (size/html/codes etc).

We ran the SRT test multiple times for https://www.warez-host.com, and here are the results (verify)

The speed clearly isn’t impressive, apart from for Germany and London. This test mirrors our load-time test perfectly. Hence proving that the servers for https://www.warez-host.com are indeed slow for most other locations.

  • SRT with Spiked Traffic

This is one final test we run to measure a server’s performance. We basically send a handful of virtual users to a site, and see how it reacts to their presence.

Well here are the results from the test (verify)

It’s evident that the SRT did remain stable for the most part with a requirement of around 130-150ms which hints at the fact that a traffic-surge doesn’t necessarily crate a panic for the server.

Which Servers are Provided and What are the Pricing Plans?

This being the final section of this Warez Host review, I believe its apt to talk about the types of servers it offers.

Well everything from Shared Hosting, VPS Server Hosting, Semi-Dedicated to Dedicated Hosting Server plans are available.

Warez Host

Shared servers start at $5.00/month and go upto $12.00/month; Semi-Dedicated has a starting price of $18.00/month while the most expensive package costs $45.00.

VPS starts at $17.00/month and goes upto $51.00/month while finally Dedicated has plans ranging from $175.75/month to $270.75/month.

Get Your Server with Warez Host

Wrapping UP

So that’s all I had to pour in as fast as this Warez Host review goes folks. Now note that this review was only based on my personal tests, using tools I personally believe to be best suited for them.

This may or may not be universally true; the same holds for the recorded performance which depends on a ton of factors and shouldn’t be considered absolute.

Anyway, let’s say that the Registration policy definitely isn’t anonymous while payments are. The speed isn’t very impressive but acceptable. And then the pricing too isn’t pocket-breaking. The AUP is as good as can be expected from a “not illegal” company.

So all in all, it’s a company which even though may not be my first choice from an “anonymity” perspective, surely fits the bills as one of the anonymous offshore hosting options out there.

Why don’t you let us know what you think of this Warez Host review and the company using the comments?

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..