WebCare360 Review – DMCA Ignored Offshore Location Hosting Service


“Privacy is not something that We merely entitled to, it’s an absolute prerequisite” that’s the tagline displayed on the homepage of WebCare360; already indicating a number of factors we search for in an offshore anonymous webhosting company and hence leading us to scribble this WebCare360 review down.

We’ll analyze some of the most important factors and aspects about the company in this WebCare 360 review and share the results with complete transparency which can be verified by you folks on the test-sites as well.

WebCare360 Anonymous Offshore Hosting Quick Overview

Here’s an overview of WebCare 360 helping you get a sneak peek into what the platform offers and its core features before getting into the nitty-gritty details of this WebCare360 review

Webcare 360 Offshore DMCA Ignored Hosting

  • Primary URL: https://webcare360.com/
  • Offshore Location: Ukraine, Switzerland, Russia, Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, Poland
  • Payment methods: Crypto + Fiats + Paypal
  • Cheapest Plan: EUR 3.99/month.
  • Servers: VPS Hosting, Dedicated Server, Shared Hosting, Streaming Server
  • DMCA Compliant: No, Ignored
  • Content Not Allowed: Listed in the AUP sections.
  • Uptime: 99.9%

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  • Anonymity

The first and foremost aspect we analyze in an offshore anonymous hosting company is  the level of anonymity it grants its users. The two fronts where it’s most important are the Registration; and payments mode.

As the tagline already hints; the company is a major privacy preacher and hence doesn’t ask for the least bit of personal data while registering on the platform and the only requirement is a working E-mail ID.

Here’s a list of anonymous E-mail ID services which let you create completely anonymous, untraceable and encrypted E-mail IDs which can’t be tracked back to you.

As for Payments, it accepts not just Fiats but also Cryptocurrencies hence providing the anonymity layer making them untraceable as well.

  • Offshore Locations

After making sure the platform is anonymous; the second most important feature is its offshore locations, isn’t it? First to establish if it’s in a different country than yours which would actually make it offshore, and secondly for its digital laws and liberties.

WebCare 360 has really aced its game when it comes to locations; it’s based off a remote island nation – Saint Kitts and Nevis, and offers servers from a plethora of countries including Ukraine, Switzerland, Russia, Netherlands, and Bulgaria.

All of the above-listed countries are known for their tolerance to a lot of liberal content and DMCA laws aren’t applicable to either of those countries letting users upload even copyrighted content!

  • Server Speed

The Speed is more a visitor-centric aspect than a (hosting)buyer-centric, but the whole reason why we build websites is for visitors to visit them, isn’t it? Obviously if the site doesn’t load fast-enough that won’t make them quite happy.

Then there are technical factors such as Piggybacking, which means if users come to your site, find it too slow, and hit the back button, Google would push your site down the search engine ranks and eventually you’ll lose traffic.

We tested the speed offered by WebCare 360 servers and here’s the first result that we got back from Pingdom (test website- https://webcare360.com)

The speed test yielded impressive results when tested from Frankfurt, Germany, Europe a load time below 1 second (794 ms exactly) is nothing short of mind-blowing. (Verify here)

Webcare 360 offshore dmca ignore hosting service

Even the slowest result I got was from Brazil; 2.98 seconds exactly. It’s pretty slow, still faster than the slowest speed we’ve recorded with some other similar companies.

  • Server Response Time

Another aspect of a website’s speed is its Server Response Time. It differs from the load—time of the website because the load-time depends on the “entire content” of the website, such as the images, text, scripts and everything else.

The Server Response Time however is how fast (or slow) the server responds to a browser’s request (HTTP GET) to fetch the site.

The load-time of two websites may differ completely based on their content, however the SRT doesn’t see much change for same servers and directly decides how fast or slow the website loads.

Just like the speed, the Response Time too was unprecedented, not even some of the best anonymous offshore hosting companies could get us a response time as fast as 1ms (Verify here). I personally have never in the history of me analyzing hosting servers seen this!

Webcare 360 offshore dmca ignore hosting service

  • Real-Time Traffic Spike Analysis

The speed is quite literally the best (not even arguably) we’ve ever witnessed with a server (both native, as well as offshore). But the tests were done on the stable website which probably didn’t have a lot of traffic when tested.

So what we’ll do is, spike up the traffic on the site by sending a number of virtual users to it (enough for the test, too low for any kind of crash or issues) and then record how the site responds.

So we sent a total of 25 virtual users to the site, and as can be seen from the following screenshot, the server response time was extremely low  right from the start of the test to its finish even at peak traffic of 25 VUs being active!

It responded back in 13ms when there was 1 VU active on the site; and even with 25 active VUs the response time only spiked upto 17ms. (Verify here)

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Webcare 360 offshore dmca ignore hosting service

Comparing it with nearly 150 other hosting companies we’ve reviewed; I’ve never seen any company get us anything less than 50ms ever!

  • Security Features

The site is fast, granted. But that’s not the only thing that makes or breaks a hosting company so let’s talk a bit about the security features provided in this section of this WebCare 360 review.

For starters they have a special server package named- Anti DDoS Plan. Apart from this they also provide anti-DDoS protection for attacks upto 320 Gbps and claim a detection time of 1minute!

They also have redundant server backups which can be accessed with a secure SSH encryption; or any other encryption with similar strength and security.

  • Acceptable Use Policy

One of the last yet most important sections of this WebCare 360 review is their Acceptable Use Policy, it lists the content that’s allowed or not allowed on the servers.

Again, their AUP is one of the most liberal ones I’ve ever seen. They have a very distinct list of what they don’t allow which includes:

  • Child Porn
  • Racial/abusive content
  • DDoS
  • Botnets/IRC Bots/Spam/Viruses etc.
  • Spam
  • Fraud/MLM
  • Network abuse and
  • Terrorism

What makes this distinct is that everything else not included on this list is allowed; this distinction is not as clearly mentioned with most other companies. Even controversial content such as Adult Material and Warez are allowed!

They believe in “freedom of speech” and anti-censorship policies and hence offer complete freedom to host anything and everything (except the above-listed material) as long as a direct court-order for the content removal isn’t received.


When it comes to support they may not be as impressive as some other companies which provide support via Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Skype and so on.

Yet, the available options are quite sufficiently cater to most queries. They can be contacted via a contact form available on the site, or using the Live-chat feature. Direct call helplines too are available.

They also can be E-mailed directly or visited at their Headquarters. Bottomline, support could be improved but is acceptable as of now.

Pricing Plans and Packages Available at WebCare360

Finally after all the praise-songs and problem-pointing; we’re down to the one factor which has a strong say in the final decision of customers going to, or abandoning the platform.

WebCare 360 encompasses all the commonly used and required servers, and then some. It does provide Shared, VPS as well as Dedicated ones (both managed and unmanaged). Although additionally they also serve up “Streaming Servers”.

The cheapest Shared servers start at USD $3.99/month and goes upto USD $99.99/month.

Webcare 360 offshore dmca ignore hosting service

Buy Your Offshore Hosting Server with WebCare360

VPS starts at EUR 12.99/month and may get as expensive as EUR 39.99/month. And finally Dedicated servers have a starting price of EUR 109.00/month and go upto EUR 269.00/month.


The server-location for each of these packages can be chosen manually although note that the prices slightly differ based on the location chosen. Webcare 360 also offer dedicated DMCA ignored service at offshore location.

Webcare 360 offshore dmca ignore hosting service

Get Offshore DMCA Ignored Server with Webcare360

Webcare 360 offshore dmca ignore hosting service

Payment Methods

As stated in the initial sections of this WebCare 360 review; the Payment methods play an important role when it comes to an anonymous offshore hosting companies.

WebCare 360 has made sure payments can’t be traced back to users by accepting a wide number of Cryptocurrency payments which include:  Webcare 360 offshore dmca ignore hosting service

  • Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Monero
  • Bitcoin Cash, Binance Coin, ETC, USDT

Although for the less crypto-enthusiastic users, they also accept traditional payment methods which such as:

  • PayPal
  • PerfectMoney

Bottomline; the payment options do provide the anonymity as well as range of freedom and options that some users may crave for.

Final Words

Webcare 360 Offshore DMCA Ignored HostingSo that’s us finally wrapping this WebCare 360 review up. We believe we’ve brought forward all the points that we ourselves as users look forward to when choosing an offshore anonymous webhosting company.

Also, most of the data and numbers mentioned above are completely transparent and verifiable on your part as well making sure the review remains honest and without curtains.

In our personal opinion, if speed is your priority WebCare 360 truly is one of the best options you could bump up your consideration-list. Get 15% off on Yearly subscription.

Buy DMCA Ignored Offshore Hosting

But hey that’s just what we think; do drop your two cents in the comments both about this WebCare 360 review, as well as the platform in general.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..