VPSGod Hosting Review – DMCA Ignored and Offshore Located Hosting


The company we’re discussing today as one of the best anonymous offshore webhosting companies is VPSGod. Worry not, despite its name VPSGod does offer other kinds of servers to choose from.

As always, our prime point of focus is “anonymity”. And then we pay a lot of attention to the company’s offshore locations. But obviously it’s not without considering its quality, speed and uptime.

So regardless of your native country, we’re pretty sure you’d find a suitable host at the end of this piece.

Here’s everything we’d be discussing for this VPSGod review

VPSGod Hosting Quick Overview

Before you invest all your time on this VPSGod review, here’s a bare-bone outline of the same. Should help you decide what the company primarily offers:


  • Primary URL: https://vpsgod.com/
  • Servers in: Netherlands / USA / France..
  • Payment methods: BTC + PayPal + Bank transfers.
  • Cheapest Plan: USD $1.90/month.
  • Servers: Shared Hosting, VPS Server, Dedicated Server, RDP.
  • DMCA Ignored: Yes (On special plan).
  • Content not allowed: Check AUP Section.

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Is VPSGod anonymous?

It would appear so. Generally companies do mention that the registration data has to be true/correct in their T&C. We went through the legal documentations on the company (AUP and T&C), no mention of the registration data having to be true could be found.

Although note that no mention of untrue data being accepted was available either. However, it does collect IP addresses, demographic data, and unique identifiers. Although it has been mentioned (IN CAPS) that this data is never shared with third-parties.

Additionally, the company does accept anonymous payments (refer to the payment modes section later).

Is VPSGod offshore?

This is probably the primary aspect for you, the location of the servers. Well you are searching for offshore locations, aren’t you? Fortunately, VPSGod is one of the more location-rich offshore hosting companies we’ve come across in recent times.

It broadly offers servers from the following locations:

USA, France, Netherlands

Although note that not all of these locations are available for all server types. For e.g. shared servers can only be chosen from U.S or France.

VPS offers Netherlands, France and USA to choose from. And finally, Dedicated servers offer USA,  and Netherlands but not France.

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What Content isn’t Allowed on VPSGod? (AUP)

Anonymous offshore servers only matter or are of use if they’ve an acceptable AUP (Acceptable Use Policy). This AUP is the policy which defines what content is or isn’t allowed on a server.

For starters, the T&C page on VPSGod states that they confirm to U.S laws. Even the Netherlands or France servers lead to the same T&C page. So despite the server locations, you must abide by the U.S laws in the least.

Apart from that, the list of content not allowed on the servers include (but not limited to):

  • Anything illegal.
  • Adult content.
  • Hacker programs.
  • TOR, IRC
  • Warez sites.
  • Seedbox
  • Distributing files >50MB in size.
  • Abusive language.
  • Streaming sites.
  • Spam*

*Hosting spam is not only restricted, but is also “fined” if and when the company decides to prosecute.

**Note that it does offer a “DMCA free Hosting” package. Going by the name, that particular server can be used for hosting content which wouldn’t confirm to DMCA laws. Or in other words, DMCA takedown requests wouldn’t be considered actionable for content hosted on those servers.

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So in our personal experience, the AUP isn’t really all that great. Especially when compared to the AUP mentioned in our Lalek hosted review or BulletProofWeb review.

But as long as you simply need offshore servers without requiring an “illegal-content host”, you should be fine.

What Server Types are Available, and What’s The Cost?

Quite a few actually. And even the pricing-model is impressive. Well the company offers shared, VPS and Dedicated servers.

Note that they also offer 100% free 1 month free trial of their shared servers. This speaks quite a bit about the quality and service they’d be providing.

Both KVM and OpenVZ VPS servers are available for purchase. Dedicated servers too are offered, however those are “resold” or are “collocated” and the company doesn’t own them.

Also note that you can opt for custom packages, both for VPS as well as Dedicated servers fine-trimmed to your exact needs.


Shared servers are priced based on their specs and location. USA shared servers start as low as USD $1.90/month. However, France shared servers have a USD $2.99/month starting price.

The “DMCA free Hosting” package costs USD $10.00/month.  VPS plans start at USD $6.99/month. However these go up depending on the location, as well as the virtualization (KVM vs. OpenVZ).


Dedicated servers start at a high USD $85.00/month.

There’s a 7-day money-back guarantee on the VPS servers. And it’s not “no questions asked”. So you should be able to provide legit reasons for demanding refunds or the request may not be fulfilled. Also, a cancellation notice 30 days prior to the cancellation is required.

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Which Payment Modes are Accepted on VPSGod?

We did mention it being an anonymity-factor, didn’t we? So well, the company accepts payments in Bitcoin, in addition to fiat currencies. A total of three payment modes are available:

  • Bitcoin
  • PayPal
  • And Bank transfers via Skrill/WebMoney

Now the company may not offer payment modes as extensive as what we saw in our Shinjiru review or maybe Mivocloud review, but these are still acceptable.

Is VPSGod Support Good?

That it is not. This probably is the most disappointing aspect on this entire VPSGod review. The company doesn’t offer live-chat. Or technically it does, but the live-chat is almost always offline.  So the only way to get in touch with them is via a contact-form presented on the live-chat interface.

We tried using the contact form, but it sure isn’t instant. They take quite a bit of time to reply.

If you need live-chat support, I’d recommend taking a peek at our Delta Host review, or Innova Hosting review.

Final Verdict:

Shinjiru HostingSo all in all, I’d say it serves its purpose as an offshore hosting company. It still can be used if you do not need extreme liberty with the content.

The pricing in our opinion is pretty affordable. The offered locations too are impressive considering how Netherlands for one is a privacy-respecting nation.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t perform our standard tests as the traffic is routed via a CDN. But the company does promise 99.8% uptime, failure to deliver the same would enable you for a pro-rated refund for that month.

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So all we can say is, it’s not the best anonymous offshore hosting but is without doubt a potential option.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..