Best Email Clients of 2022


You’re here for the best Email clients, and you’ll get them, period.

I’m sure you know what email clients are, or why you need them.

Hence, I wouldn’t waste either of our times.

8 Best Email Clients 2022

Every single one of these email clients have been selected based on the following features:

  • Security and Encryption.
  • Email features ( link tracking, open tracking, undo send, scheduling etc.)
  • Aesthetic-features (themes/ templates etc.)
  • And, my own experience.

In a nutshell, at least some of these will make you jump to your emails rather than wanting to run from them.

1. Thunderbird


Arguably, the most popular E-mail client out there. It sure is feature-packed.

You’ll love its “attachment detector and reminder”.

If an e-mail contains the word “attachment”, Thunderbird reminds me to attach an attachment if I haven’t already.

The interface too is pretty impressive. The tabbed-email interface lets me keep multiple emails open at the same time. Themes too are available.

The search-feature is extremely advanced, you use a ton of filters to find the exact email you need from thousand others.

Have multiple email accounts? All of the mails can be accessed from its combined Smart Folder.

As far as security goes, it has an advanced phishing-detection feature. If a link seems malicious or suspicious, it alerts us when we click on it.

The A.I-based spam filter is pretty effective as well.

Aren’t we talking of privacy? Well, Thunderbird is open-source! Hence, no backdoors, period.

Other basic features such as address-books and achieves are available as well. It even supports add-ons and plugins which better the experience.

It’s 100% free and is available for Windows, MacOS, and even Linux.

2. eM Client


eM Client markets itself not just as one of the best Email clients, but also as a “productivity tool”.

It supports everything including SMTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, Office 365 or Exchange.

My favourite feature however is its built-in, automated translation tool!

No matter which language you receive the mail in, it’s translated and can be read by you.

There are “quicktexts” which are automated pieces of text you can use.

It also allows scheduling messages which are sent at a later time (no more staying awake just to send that mail!)

It’s pretty secure and allows the encryption of mails using PGP. You can even create new keys from within the client!

There’s even a public Keybook you can upload your keys to, or find that of others.

Basic features such as mass-mailing, spell-checks, tags etc. aren’t missing either.

It has this advanced feature which tracks replies and notifies us that an email needs to be responded to.

It also lets you create or sync calendars from other tools.

And finally, the in-built chat feature allows you to chat with others without ever leaving eM Client. (The chat even supports file transfers.)

It’s free for personal uses. Grab it today! However, Commercial use (and other advanced features) are only available in the paid plans which start at $27.00 (approx.)

You don’t lose anything if you don’t like it, there’s a 30-day moneyback guarantee.

3. Mailbird


Unlimited email accounts, third-party app integration, user-friendly.

These words (in my opinion) define Mailbird best.

For starters, you can add an unlimited number of email accounts to your Mailbird account.

It offers built-in integration of commonly used productivity and networking apps such as Asana, Todoist, Facebook, sites like Dropbox etc.

Most best email clients support a search feature.

Well, Mailbird also supports an “attachment search” feature. This searches not just the e-mails, but also the “attachments”.

The interface is one what sold me (and many others) on it.

Even if you manage a thousand emails (let’s keep it to hundreds maybe?), you wouldn’t feel confused, disorganized or lost with Mailbird.

In fact, it’s one of the few email software which “threads” emails, so all same-thread emails are available on a single pages.

You’ll absolutely love the shortcuts. I find myself using the keyboard more than the mouse with Mailbird.

It supports over 17 languages. Themes, notification sounds (even custom sounds can be uploaded), and the snooze button is available as well.

The “Undo send” feature makes sure you take back your mails, literally.  It also offers a “Send Later” (schedule) feature.

Did I mention its “speed-reader”? Well, let’s just say you’ll end up reading your emails much (much) faster. More free time for you eh?

Is free. Optional paid plans, offering both yearly and a one-time payment cycles available.

4. Postbox


Supercharge your inbox”. That’s the Postbox tagline and I can’t say I disagree.

For starters, I’m absolutely in love with its dynamic text placeholders.

E.g. I can craft a template, let’s say “Hey, [ first name ], your new house at [ address ] is sold to [buyer name].”

So basically, I can send this to hundreds different E-mail IDs, the placeholders (in the brackets) get auto-filled, personalized for every single E-mail ID.

Professionalism? Ah, it offers over 25 pre-designed graphic-signature templates to choose from.

Smart Folders can be created which only display the data you want. What’s displayed can be pre-set by you.

File-sharing is made “drag & drop”, you can drop a to-be-shared file on your mail, and the file isn’t uploaded rather its link is attached! Simpler, eh?

The “Domain Fencing” feature makes sure you always send emails from the right accounts.

Moreover, it offers pre-designed “clips”. Alike signatures, they too are blocks which add professionalism and an attention-grabbing element to the mails.

Dozens of shortcuts make things faster.

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Quite a few rules can be created for better mail and time management as well.

Looks matter to you? Choose from over 25 themes.

It also allows creating reminders which can be pinned on top of messages.

Advanced image-detection features detect the size of an oversized image, let you edit the image, resize it, and basically better optimize it for the recipient.

Security? It has 7 anti-tracking features, phishing protection, spam filtering, and even encrypt emails using PGP! Pretty secure, that’s sure.

Try it for free today! The lifetime license costs just $49.00.

5. Microsoft Outlook


Who hasn’t heard of Microsoft Outlook?

It has its pros and cons, but, being a Microsoft product, it’s capable of offering advanced integrations with most Microsoft products.

This makes Outlook more than just an email client.

For starters, it includes MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint, MS-Access, MS-Publisher and many others.

This allows multiple users to collaborate on the same document, at the same time.

It also provides 1TB OneDrive storage, sharing of these files too offers advanced controls. Provide access or temporary guest links.

Outlook’s spam-protection is considered one of the best in the email industry. (And hey, it’s a Microsoft product, that’s expected, right?)

It even has a webmail version (no downloads required)¸which is pretty identical to the actual software.

There’s this “listen to your emails” feature, similar to Mailbird’s “speed reader”. The email is read out to you, saves time.

The data is encrypted when at-rest in the email account, as well as after an email is  sent (not for @Gmail addresses.)

Claims to not collect any sensitive data. When done, says it’s transparent about it. (These claims haven’t been verified by me.)

If you’re a business and have corporate needs, there aren’t many Outlook alternatives with similar professionalism and security.

6. Front


Let me put it out there, Front is primarily for “teams”.

Sure, being an individual you can totally use it. However, it can be used to its full potential when used as a team.

It does support personal accounts, however, email accounts can also be shared with other members.

Messages can be assigned to individual members.

Even allows comments and “@mentions” notifying teammates and making collaboration better.

Allows rule-creation, these allow for auto-assigning of messages, auto-grouping them, and offer other similar benefit.

Even drafts can be shared, in real-time. So, all your replies are coordinated and in sync.

And hey, Canned responses too are available. Have to respond with the same replies frequently? Create and save templates, use forever, without typing.

The tool also offers detailed reports on response-times, number of emails per day and other similar data.

And then finally, integration with Asana, Drift, Salesforce etc. make it possible to further boost its power.

It also provides for read-receipts and follow up reminders on emails you haven’t answered yet.

If you’ve got a team, it’s definitely worth a try. Try it for free today. If you’d like then, you can go for one of its paid plans starting as low as $9.00/month.

7. Mailspring


Another email client promising to boost your productivity.

Needless to say, all emails can be accessed from one screen.

In-built translator lets us translate Spanish, Russian, Chinese, French and German. Both for outgoing and incoming mails.

One-click RSVP buttons make replying to emails faster.

The other features such as snoozing, scheduling for later, and reminders are all available.

It also tracks when an email is opened and offers read receipts.

An in-built link tracker also tracks clicks on links, even when you aren’t using shorteners or other independent trackers.

Canned responses (pre-crafted templates) can be created, stored and used repeatedly.

Does let us craft beautiful signatures.

I’ll be honest, the signatures aren’t as impressive as the ones offered by Postbox, but they’re still pretty good.

Stats (received/ sent) as well as “most active time of the day” is displayed as well.

A pretty filter-rich search-feature makes sure you can search for attachments, dates, and other specific aspects of an email directly.

Did I mention you can also “undo send” just like on Gmail?

It supports Windows, Mac and Linux.

Is primarily free, however, links tracking, read receipts and other advanced features are only available in its paid $8.00/month plan.

8. Spike


Honestly? Emails are boring. I’ve been doing it for over 15 years now. I’m sure you’re bored too?

I do like Instant Messengers. They’re less-boring, aren’t they?

If you need Emails, with the flavour of Instant messaging, Spike delivers just that.

It takes our emails, and turns them into conversational instant messages.

I’ve personally found it boosts productivity and the will to engage more with the emails.

Moreover, it even has a to-do list feature (looks really inviting.)

You can either create new tasks, or assign “tasks” to emails, pin the emails, snooze them and so much more.

Talking of tasks, it lets us invite others (even non-Spike users) and collaborate with them on the tasks, in real-time.

It even has a built-in group chat (even video and audio calls)

Spike uses AES-256 bit encryption for encrypting the emails.

Advanced search helps us find emails either by keywords, people or other such easily remembered data.

Then, it features the “Priority Inbox”. It shows the prioritized emails first, pushes the rest for later.

Finally, I’m in love with its file-management.

For starters, no file-downloads required. Everything can be previewed and responded to without downloading. (Truly helps save a lot of disk space and file overload).

Get free storage with every account!

Then, all the files can be accessed in a single click on the email client, better than searching in individual threads, right?

Sent the wrong email, to the wrong person? “Undo Send” to your rescue.

It’s permanently free (with 5GB storage) and most advanced features.

Paid plans start as low as $4.00/month.

Final Words on The Best Email Clients

Hey, let’s cut to the chase?

Give Thunderbird a try if you need something that’s free, established and used by millions.

eM Client will get you some of the most advanced features.

And, if you need to boost your productivity and make emails interesting; Spike will win you over.

Do let me know if you feel I missed any of the other best email clients?

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..