NordPass Password Manager Review

NordPass Password Manager










Editor Ratings



  • Password sharing and Multi-factor authentication allow
  • Pro version allow 6 devices
  • Data Breach Scanner
  • Form Filling Support
  • Cross Platform


  • Limited Features in Free Version

Is it the best password manager in the industry? If you use the internet, you use usernames & passwords. You may also use confidential schedules, notes, or other information.

NordPass claims to be able to store all of this with utmost security and auto-fill them wherever required.

We never take companies at their face value. So, in this NordPass review, we’d discuss everything the company offers and see if it’s worth it.

For a tool that’s free and doesn’t require downloads, I’d say your time here probably wouldn’t be wasted. Let’s dig in.

What is NordPass?

In a sentence: It’s a 100% free password manager that saves & auto-fills your passwords.

NordPass comprises two words – “Nord” and “Pass”.

“Nord” is derived from its parent company- NordVPN. NordVPN is arguably the best VPN on the planet; I’ve been using it for over 6 years.

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The same company has come up with a “Password” solution.

The core idea is that

NordPass automatically saves your username & password for all sites and then fills them in automatically when required”

In other words, you do not need to remember or type your passwords when logging in.

And it’s not just for passwords; NordPass can also store credit card details, notes, addresses, and so much more.

Here are the primary features you get with NordPass:

  • 100% free forever
  • E2E encryption
  • 0 encryption
  • Share passwords and other data with others safely
  • Emergency access
  • Vulnerable password detection
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • 6 device access and sync
  • No download required
  • Import existing passwords
  • Unlimited passwords (even on the free plan)
  • No download required

End to End Encrypted Information

I did say “NordPass saves your passwords”, didn’t I?

Does that mean NordPass has access to all your accounts?

No. Absolutely not.

NordPass doesn’t have access to any of your saved credentials.

It’s all “End to End encrypted”. The data is encrypted on your end before it’s ever uploaded to NordPass.

As a result, NordPass can never access any of that data. Not just NordPass, no other third party has any access to your passwords.

Share Passwords Securely

Normally, we text passwords over some kind of instant messenger, don’t we?

That’s not secure, especially if you’re working in/for a company. Getting your confidential information leaked may cost you your job, and at times, a fortune!

NordPass has this in-built password-sharing feature. You can create “groups” Even if you do not create groups, that’s fine. You can still just use emails to share passwords securely.

You can then also choose the level of access you want for each individual. Full access will let the user change/edit/remove the shared password/data. With limited access, you get to choose what the user can do with the shared data.

Emergency Access

This isn’t the same as password sharing that I’ve just discussed.

Emergency access lets you add another NordPass user as an emergency contact.

That user will then get an email invite to access your passwords (and also use the autofill feature). The invited member must first accept this invite as an “emergency contact”.

Any emergency  contact can request to see your password(s) from their end at any time. You get 7 days to approve/reject this request. If there’s no action from your part, the access is automatically granted.

This lets them access your password(s) if you’re in the hospital or any situation where you can’t approve the request manually.

The emergency contacts can only view/use your passwords. They never get to edit/change the passwords.

Data Leak Protection

Millions of accounts are hacked daily, and the data is sold online to the highest bidder.

No, you do not have to be a “VIP” to get hacked. These hackers target big companies. These may be crypto exchanges, email providers, social networks, etc. Thousands of accounts are compromised in a single attack.

NordPass has this amazing leak detection feature. It scans the web and markets for these sales. If it finds your data up for sale, you’re notified.

You can instantly change your account credentials and make that data obsolete.

Vulnerable Password Detection

This is another password protection feature that NordPass offers.

It recognizes all the weak passwords you’re using and warns them about you. Not just “weak” ones but also “reused” passwords are identified. These are the same passwords that you’re using across multiple websites.

You don’t “have” to change them, but it’s good if you do.  

Multi-Factor Authentication

You can access all your passwords and other data stored on NordPass using your master password.

However, you can add additional security to your passwords. This can be done using a security key, any Bluetooth device, or backup codes.

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This helps ensure your NordPass account can’t be accessed even if your password is leaked.

NordPass also supports biometric authentication. So, you can use your face or your fingerprint for authentication.

6 Device Access and Sync

Premium NordPass accounts can be accessed simultaneously on 6 different devices.  The devices are all synced together.

This means if you sign up at a website on your laptop, you’ll still be able to log in to that website on your other devices.

I’m pretty sure 6 devices are more than enough not just for households but also for startups and small groups, isn’t it?

No Download Required

You don’t have to download NordPass. That isn’t mandatory.

NordPass can also be installed on your browser as an extension. It would offer the same functionalities that you get with the NordPass application.

This lets you use NordPass without worrying about your system resources.

Import Existing Passwords

Most modern browsers save passwords, don’t they?  They certainly aren’t half as secure as NordPass or most other dedicated password managers.

NordPass has this feature that lets you import stored passwords from your browser. Even if you’re already using some other password manager, NordPass lets you import passwords from them as well.

Unlimited Passwords (Even on The Free Plan)

This is probably one of the happiest features on this NordPass review.

I did say earlier that NordPass is 100% free, didn’t I?

Even on the free forever plan, there’s no limit on the no. of passwords you can store. Yes, you also get free access to autosave as well as autofill.

Obviously, there are feature limitations. However, you definitely can use NordPass and its primary features without ever paying.

Talking of payments, let’s discuss its pricing plans?

NordPass Pricing Plans (Refund Policies)

So, here’s how much you’d be paying for NordPass:

  • $0.00 forever – Unlimited passwords, card details, and notes. Autofill & autosave are available.
  • $1.69/month – Weak password identification, emergency contacts, etc.
  • $2.79/month – All NordPass features.

There’s also a “Business Plan” that starts at $2.56/month. It offers almost the same features but access to 250 users! Additional features include a security dashboard, item transfer, SSO with Azure, Shared folders, etc.

Payment modes include cards, Google Pay, PayPal, Sofort, and even Cryptocurrencies.

NordPass also has a 30-day refund policy on all its paid plans. A month is more than enough to judge a password manager’s capabilities, isn’t it?

24X7 Live-Chat

NordVPN has always been known for its support. If the same company made NordPass, obviously, we’d expect similar traits, wouldn’t we?

Fortunately, NordPass too has a 24X7 live chat available on the website. And yes, it’s open for all and not just for those who’ve purchased NordPass.

Optional Downloadable Apps are Available

While it isn’t mandatory, you can obviously download NordPass if you want to.

Currently, NordPass is available on:

Frequently Asked Questions

 Here are some of the most common questions you may have about NordPass:

  • Can NordPass be trusted?

Absolutely. NordPass is end-to-end encrypted, so it has no access to your data. It’s technically impossible. It uses XChaCha2.0 encryption which is even better than AES 256. Furthermore, its parent company – NordVPN is one of the most trusted VPNs on the planet. It got itself independently and publicly audited for its “no logs policy”. So yes, NordPass can 100% be trusted.

  • Is NordPass included with NordVPN?

Yes. Certain NordVPN plans offer NordPass as well. This offer is periodic, so you may not always find it live.  NordPass is free either way, so you can get it however you want.

  • Can I use my NordVPN account with NordPass?

Absolutely. You can use the same accounts on both platforms.

  • How much is NordPass monthly?

You can use it for free forever. The paid plans are entirely optional and start as low as $1.69/month.

NordPass Review – Final verdict

So, in my opinion, is NordPass the best password manager out there? Certainly. It offers everything you want from a password manager.

The XChaCha2.0 encryption, zero-knowledge privacy, all the sharing features, and everything else.

The best part is you do not have to trust this NordPass review blindly. You can sign up at NordPass right now for 100% free. You can use all its features without risk for the first 30 days to form your opinion!


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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..